Hillarie Zoe Scannelli
So before I start giving some fitness motivation – let’s address the elephant in the room . . . This is not going to be my normal “ Note from Hillarie” because with everything going on in the world today, there is nothing normal about our daily lives right now. I’m starting off our newsletter with my message because I think we all need to start with some positive words. The good news is we WILL get through this. But in the meantime, our nation (and the world) continues to deal with the COVID19 virus. People have lost their jobs or are temporarily laid off, businesses have had to close, kids are schooling from home, people have lost loved ones or co-workers & friends, medical/staff workers are on the front lines working long hours while caring for people who are very sick. And lastly, we are ALL on a “stay-at-home” order from the Governor of NJ. Now “most” people are complying in an effort to flatten the curve and stop the spread of the virus (by only going out for essentials like the grocery store or pharmacy). Others may not treating it seriously enough. I do believe at this point (beginning of April), people are getting it. They understand that our lives will never be back to normal if we don’t heed the warnings.
With all this going on, we have all been probably eating too much (and maybe including too much alcohol) as a way to deal with stress. Lots of people are stress-eaters. But since we have no idea how long this pandemic will be going on, let’s reel ourselves in and start to add more daily structure with some positive and motivating daily habits. Luckily, we are still able to get healthy things from the supermarket, and we certainly have more time on our hands than ever for food prep. So get a piece of paper out and start mapping out your meals . . . What will you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner – along with snacks? And then adhere to that list. Try not to let your hunger valve make those decisions. Then just be careful, and wash all your foods properly before cooking – discarding all bags and wrappers into the garbage – then washing your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. Focus on drinking more water every day. Make yourself a little checklist of what you will be eating and drinking and stick to the list. Try not to wander into the pantry when you’re really not even hungry . . . You are probably bored or stressed. Instead, go for a walk or start a home project – or do one of our recorded virtual workouts. Just keep busy, and stay positive.
If you would like to start doing the daily virtual training we are offering – or if you need nutritional guidance for weight-loss or just healthy eating, please call me: 908-403-7620 –Hillarie. We will get through this together, I promise.

APRIL VIRTUAL GROUP TRAINING SCHEDULE (CLICK HERE): Due to the COVID19 Pandemic, we have had to turn all of our training into Virtual Training. These workouts are perfect for adults and teens of all fitness levels (as variations are offered for all exercises). And although you can still book private, one-on-one virtual sessions, this April Virtual Group Training Calendar shows you exactly what is being offered EVERY DAY (live or recorded). So being in the stay-at-home mode due to the virus doesn’t mean we can’t set AND meet our fitness goals by summer. It just means we might need a little bit more of a structured plan. Let us help you – Call Michael for a FREE consultation or to sign up for Virtual Training: 908- 403-7605 #investinyou
!MPACT VIRTUAL ONE-ON-ONE TRAINING: !MPACT Training is still offering one-on-one training, but for the time being this is done Virtually via the Zoom Cloud Meeting App. The appointments are set the same way you would an in-person appointment, and the video screen allows the trainer and client to see and speak to one another – so it’s a great way to stay connected. Many of our clients are already taking advantage of this and really enjoying it. Need an appointment, call Michael @ 908-403-7605.

!MPACT Training’s 21-DAY BEACH BODY PLAN: Are you ready to take the challenge and get yourself into “beach body” shape by summer? This will all be coached virtually –as the meal plans will be emailed to the participants, the coaching is done over the phone or via Zoom Virtual Meetings – and meal replacements and other supplements that are part of your meal plan are shipped directly to your home. If you are interested in having that extra layer of support from a coach, please know that all coaching is complimentary with the purchase of the 21-Day Program. And there is no longer an annual membership fee! Questions about this program? Call Hillarie 908-403-7620

MYZONE GLOBAL MEPs CHALLENGE: If you are an !MPACT client with a MyZone heart-rate monitor, you are automatically included in this contest. . . WIN PRIZES, STAY MOTIVATED: Simply earn 1300 MEPs during April to be entered into the prize draw for your chance to win cash prizes! The first prize winner will collect USD $5,000 and the 10 runners up will collect USD $500! If you would like info about the MyZone Heart-Rate Monitor or need to purchase one, see the paragraph below. And for details on this Global Challenge, CLICK HERE for the flyer.
MyZone TRAINING IS PERFECT FOR THESE HOME-VIRTUAL WORKOUTS! We all need that PUSH and a little more accountability if we are working out at home!!! This technology will PUSH YOU to help you burn fat and build lean muscle so you are fit and energized! Zone Training involves using a special heart-rate monitor (chest strap) that connects to the MyZone app on your cell phone app. With this technology, you can simply glance at the display to see the zone you are training in during your workout. Your entire workout is outlined and color-coded so you can easily see whether you are in fat-burning mode or high intensity/conditioning mode, or recovery. And THEN AFTER YOUR WORKOUT IS COMPLETE, you will receive a detailed email from MyZone outlining your entire workout with how many calories you burned, how long you performed in the various zones, and how many MEPs (MyZone Effort Points) you were awarded! This equipment is so helpful whether your goal is weight-loss –or building stamina, improving energy levels or improving endurance for a sport, race, or fitness event. Just give us a call and we will order one for you – DO NOT ORDER ON-LINE, as we get them for our clients at a discount! We literally get them for 50% off, and we want to pass that savings onto our clients. Once you receive it, you register it on-line with all your personal data – and you will automatically be connected! How cool is this?!!! Call us if you want to take your workouts up a notch using this cutting-edge technology: Mike 908-403-7605
So in closing . . .
Stay Safe & Healthy . . . as soon as this virus crisis is under control and businesses can open safely, !MPACT Training will be pumped up and STRONGER THAN EVER. Our trainers Dan, Mike, Michael and myself can’t wait to get back inside our amazing, state-of-the-art facility.
In the meantime, continue to practice good habits for preventing the spread of the virus – like hand-washing often and using hand-sanitizer when necessary; clean countertops, door-handles and commonly-touched surfaces with disinfectant sprays or wipes, only go out if you really need something from the supermarket or pharmacy or place of necessity; stay home if you are sick; self-quarantine for 14 days if you have been exposed to someone with the virus or someone at high risk for exposure; and just do the best you can to STAY HOME. And many THANKS to all the doctors, nurses, EMS workers, hospital staff, police, fire dept – who are all on the front lines helping to keep us safe.
Reach out if there is anything we can help you with.
Call Michael Scannelli — Co-Owner – 908-403-7605