14-DAY CLEANSE! Perfect for Pre or Post-Vacation!

14-DAY CLEANSE! PERFECT FOR PRE OR POST-VACATION! This program combines a structured clean eating program that we provide coupled with cleansing supplements, and it is one of the quickest ways to accomplish your weight-loss goals, and helps to drastically reduce visceral fat (belly fat). There is a clear plan to follow when you are done with the cleanse program so you continue your healthy journey to lose weight if you so desire – or maintain a healthy weight. This is NOT a fad but rather the start of your new healthy lifestyle! If you wish to get on board with this amazing program, just give me a call. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE AN IMPACT CLIENT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS CLEANSING PROGRAM. The products get shipped directly to your home within just a few days — and you are coached virtually (by me!!) with plenty of hand-holding as needed. You get one body . . . treat it “world class”. Stop stalling! Call Hillarie 908-403-7620 #thirtydayscanchangeyourlife #healthybodyteam #howbaddoyouwantit

AUGUST SPECIAL: $69 for Unlimited Training along with a Nutrition Session to make sure you are on track for success (This is a $199 value for only $69)! Call Michael to take advantage of this amazing special: 908-403-7605.

ONE WEEK FREE TRIAL: If you are new to !MPACT and would like to come for a FREE week of training, please CLICK HERE to print your Free Trial Pass, and give Michael a call to let him know when you would like to start your free week: 908-403-7605

YOGA: August is a busy vacation month, so Erin will be back with us for Yoga at 8 a.m. on select Sundays in September. Please check our September Training Schedule when it comes out to see the dates she will be here.

AUGUST GROUP TRAINING SCHEDULE (CLICK HERE): PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR CALENDAR THAT IS CHOCK-FULL OF AMAZING TRAINING SESSIONS TO HELP YOU REACH YOUR GOALS. Why is our Group Training different than a big box gym where you can take classes or work out on your own? You are ALWAYS led by a Certified or Degreed Personal Trainer – not just a fitness coach who was certified by the gym where they work. Great trainers are hard to find . . . but we take our time and we choose high-level trainers who are ready to motivate you and guide you, every single session! We are a training facility that offers personal training, multi-level bootcamps (so all fitness levels are welcome), elite athlete training, weight-training sessions, weight-loss programs, nutrition and more! Please check out our schedule as we offer programs for adults, teens and kids. Questions? Give us a call: (908) 428-7978! #investinyou

TONY REICH — PROBABLY MY FAVORITE TRANSFORMATION SO FAR!: Meet Tony and see a couple of his before and after photos (above). With all the additional weight he was carrying, he definitely ran into some health issues . . . Well the picture on the left is when he was in the hospital. The picture on the right is ONLY ONE YEAR LATER – as he happily shows off his new “dad bod”. What an amazing journey for him. Tony also won his battle with addictions – so I really love his story. I also love the before and after with his younger sister Candace. They don’t even look like the same people – but they ARE!!!
!MPACT’s Favorite Recipe Share!!
Zesty Lime Shrimp and Avocado Salad

This one we found on Facebook and it’s amazing – and soooo good for you! Low on carbs, high in fiber, protein and healthy fats. Lime juice and cilantro are the key ingredients to creating this wonderful, healthy no-cook salad you’ll want to make all summer long. 🍈🍤🥑🥗
* 1/4 cup chopped red onion
* 2 limes, juice of
* 1 tsp olive oil
* 1/4 tsp kosher salt, black pepper to taste
* 1 lb jumbo cooked, peeled shrimp, chopped*
* 1 medium tomato, diced
* 1 medium hass avocado, diced (about 5 oz)
* 1 jalapeno, seeds removed, diced fine
* 1 tbsp chopped cilantro
* In a small bowl combine red onion, lime juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. Let them marinate at least 5 minutes to mellow the flavor of the onion.
* In a large bowl combine chopped shrimp, avocado, tomato, jalapeño.
* Combine all the ingredients together, add cilantro and gently toss. Adjust salt and pepper to taste.

OUR LATEST IMPACT TRAINING COMMERCIAL!: We are so excited to share the new commercial that plays before EVERY movie at the Hillsborough Cinema. Check it out here, and FEEL our energy, knowledge and passion for what we do: https://youtu.be/aDMtOHiv4FQ

!MPACT OFFERS ½ HOUR PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS: Some people are pressed for time, others juggling finances . . . but one thing for sure, many of you are making fitness a priority. You now have the option to come for a full, 55-minute personal training session — OR come for a 30-minute personal training session. We will help you set some goals and then take action! During this 30-minute session, you will perform a quick & effective warm-up, work all your major muscle groups, stimulate your core, and burn calories and fat. These sessions are customized to meet your needs, and you can also do it with a friend! And maybe you have a young athlete who you think could benefit from some one-on-one training. Thirty-minute sessions are extremely affordable. Call us today to find out pricing for these sessions . . . You can pay as you come or purchase a discounted 10-Pack of 30-Minute Sessions. No excuses. . . you can do it now! Call Michael to get pricing and availability: 908-403-7605

TEAM TRAINING: If your team is looking to get FASTER AND STRONGER, give us a call to learn about our discounted rates for teams. No matter the sport, our Certified Personal Trainers will customize the team training to meet your needs. And what a great way to build camradery among team mates. We will work on strength, speed, agility, quickness, explosiveness, flexibility, core strength and stamina. Give Michael a call to find out rates and trainer availability: 908-403-7605.

ANYONE INTERESTED IN A SIDE-HUSTLE THAT IS ALSO A LOT OF FUN? Well, I have a great opportunity to share with you . . . I will train you – and you don’t have to be an expert for this program . . . just someone who wants to get healthier and then help others do the same! You will love this healthy lifestyle, and the extra $$$ sure comes in handy. Get ready to be inspired! Call me if you want more info: Hillarie 908-403-7620.

FOR THOSE WHO ARE WONDERING ABOUT OUR “ZONE” TRAINING: We want to help our clients SET and REACH their fitness goals. For those who are interested in using the latest technology, our trainers are prepared to turn ALL of your workouts into ZONE Training – whether you are coming for personal training, bootcamps, strength training or Elite Athlete Training! This will help you burn fat and build lean muscle so you are fit and energized! This new Zone training method involves using a special heart-rate monitor (chest strap) that not only connects to your cell phone app, but the minute you walk into IMPACT Training, your device connects via Bluetooth – so your name appears in a box on our giant-screen TV. With this technology, you can simply glance at the display to see the zone you are training in during your workout. This cutting-edge technology is completely optional for our clients, but so far everyone seems to want IN! This new system not only displays the percentage of your max heart rate during your entire workout, but it is color-coded so you can easily see whether you are in fat-burning mode or high intensity/conditioning mode. This equipment is so helpful whether your goal is weight-loss –or building stamina/endurance for a fitness race or event. Just speak to Michael at the front desk and he can order your strap – DO NOT ORDER ON-LINE, as we get them for our clients at a discount! We literally get them for 50% off, and we want to pass that savings onto our clients. Once you receive it, you register it on-line with all your personal data – and you will automatically be connected to our facility as soon as you walk in! How cool is this?!!!

KIDS’ TRAINING (AGES 7-12) WILL BE BACK ON SATURDAYS IN THE FALL: This program is always a hit . . . during this 45-minute workout, we focus on speed, agility, strength & conditioning through our athlete bootcamp using fun equipment like ladders, hurdles, medicine balls, slide boards, plyo-boxes, and more! Stay tuned to our monthly newsletters to find out the start date for this program.
CHARITY BOOTCAMP AT UOA, SOMERSET – OCTOBER 6TH at 9:00 A.M. Hillarie will be holding a Pay-It-Forward Bootcamp at University Orthopaedic Associates (UOA) in Somerset, NJ on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 at 9:00 a.m. This is in an effort to spread the word about Steps Together – which provides relief for families in Somerset County going through a medical crisis. Participants will pay $20 or more (checks payable to Steps Together), and ALL fitness levels are welcome. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED — CLICK HERE TO REGISTER — Any questions, call me: 908-403-7620.
August can be such a great month, but for many it can be stressful and can even make you feel a bit melancholy. While some people are enjoying their beach vacation and quieter times at the office, many people are feeling sad the summer is almost over, and soon the hustle and bustle of September will be upon us . . . And some parents are preparing to drop their kids off at college for the first time. We want so much for our kids to be successful — time just flies by. One minute you are picking them up from the kindergarten bus stop and the next minute you are taking HS graduation photos and helping them pack for college. So let’s put a positive, happy spin on August and savor every sunny day . . . every afternoon you have off from work or a Sunday by the pool with family or friends. And let’s start thinking about how you are going to make more time for your own health and fitness in September so that you look and FEEL your best. As long as you set yourself up with a plan to exercise regularly and eat clean (85% of the time), you can STILL GET GREAT RESULTS. Let me help you map out a plan for success. I would love to offer you a FREE consultation to talk about your health and fitness goals and how we can help you achieve them. Remember, the only way to fail is to quit. We will have no quitters here. Let’s do this! Please call me if you’d like to set up a FREE Consultation: 908-403-7620 –Hillarie
These are all businesses we have used and would highly recommend . . . everything from financial planning — to decorative cookie platters for a special occasion — to real estate — to plumbing – to acupuncture! We’ve got it all! I always prefer to use a business that I was referred to – word of mouth is the best form of advertisement.
Prime My Body Help Oil: Meghan Hayes . . . client, fitness enthusiast, wife, and mother of three young athletes has started her own business (working from home), and it was all because she fell in love with an amazing hemp product that she feels changed her lives, along with the people she loves. This CBD/Hemp Oil formulated by Dr. Chris Shad. The oil gives us a proprietary delivery system providing rapid uptake and 99% bioavailability and absorption. It’s non-GMO, gluten-free, soy-free, and supports, mood, focus, sleep, bone health, blood sugar, immune neurological-function and physical discomfort – with research showing it assists with over 250 conditions. Visit Megan’s website to learn more: mkhayes.primemybody.com or call/text her at: 908-256-0239.
MB HOME IMPROVEMENTS (Mauricio Barajas) is an independent contractor founded by Mauricio Barajas. They handle all renovations and remodels . . . kitchen, bathroom, basements, and more! They also provide painting and custom woodwork services. I’ve seen some of his before and after photos of their jobs, and they are outstanding. They are also professional and reliable. You can reach Mauricio at 908-500-0148
ALL ABOUT ME DESIGNS — Custom T-Shirts & Apparel (908) 2928992 – email: [email protected]: The gals who started this company are absolutely amazing . . . Cindy Caramico and Amy Smith came in to !MPACT Training to bring their kids for personal training – and we found out they are working moms who also started a part-time business making gorgeous customized t-shirts. We had them make several for !MPACT and we really LOVE them! They have many different types of shirts (t-shirts, muscle tanks, sweatshirts/hoodies – for both ladies and men). So if you need a special t-shirt made for yourself, for your family reunion, for a team sport, or any other event, these gals are the people to see . . . I had !MPACT ones made with a glitter font!! YAHOO!
PURE POWER, Electrical Services, LLC: For all your electrical services, reach out to owner and licensed electrician, Richard Dietrich 908-829-4252 – email: [email protected]
NORZ HILL FARM: I LOVE Norz Hill Farm in the summer when I am dying for their Jersey tomatoes, fresh produce — delicious corn, and look so forward to pumpkin picking in the fall. And their fresh baked pies are amazing! Now you have got to try their meats: steaks, burgers, ham, bacon and more! Visit their website for farm hours and activites/events . . . LOVE the owners (Debbie & Rich Norz) and LOVE that farm! www.norzhillfarm.com
MAILBOXES BUSINESS CENTER: Our favorite place in town for all of our copy and stationary needs. Matt Schorr, owner of Mailboxes Business Center is also a great guy . . . always giving back to the community. Stop in to see Matt and his staff at Mailboxes business Center — for everything from copies, to mailing packages — to making business cards. Matt does it all: 908-874-6200 (located in the Shop-Rite shopping center on Rt. 206 in Hillsborough).
FARLEY LAWN SERVICES: Marshall Farley, owner/proprietor, is also one of the amazing firefighters from the Flagtown Fire & Rescue that trained with us. Farley Lawn Services (residential & commercial) offers lawn maintenance (spring/fall), tree pruning & removal, pavers, retaining walls, mulch & stone. 908-872-2451. Quality, dependable serving!
INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RENOVATION & BUILDER CO.: Pro Builders Plus, Hillsborough – Walt Wengryn handles everything from roofing and siding, to interior renovations, and additions, etc. – He and his teams provide quality work at competitive prices: Walt has done work for everyone in my neighborhood! Call Walt at 908-369-7562 (references are available!).
Check out this great website to see what’g going on for kids in the area!: http://hillsborough.macaronikid.com/ This website lists all upcoming events and happenings for kids in our communities throughout New Jersey. Log on to see the fun local happenings.
REVIVAL BARBER SHOP!: Congrats to Jen Korab – owner of Renaissance Hair Salon, as they expanded and opened another shop last year called Revival! This BARBER SHOP specializes in men’s haircuts and hot shaves, and will be located in the same strip mall as Renaissance Salon (411 Route 206 in Hillsborough – New Amwell is the cross street). They are amazing and do some fun/trendy razor cuts too!
RODAN & FIELDS Dermatology: “You exercise to improve/maintain your body. Why not use awesome skincare to improve/maintain your skin too!” One of our clients, Colleen Schwarz, is so excited to launch her new business as an independent skincare consultant with Rodan and Fields Dermatologists (of ProActive fame). Rodan and Fields has all skin types covered. Please feel free to call Colleen at 908 392 3144 or email her at [email protected] to chat about what products would be best for you.
CIRCUS PLACE in Hillsborough has LOTS of new classes on their calendar! Something fun and different to do for your kids or YOU! Check out their website: www.thecircusplace.com or email me the owner at: [email protected] for more information!
SWEET PERFECTION by Maria: If you need beautiful, customized cookies (as well as cupcakes and other special treats) for a special occasion, then you need to contact my friend, Maria Ryan. She is so ridiculously talented . . . her cookies looks so pretty you hate to eat them . . . but you should be cause they are buttery and delicious! She can design cookies for any occasion . . . birthday, baby shower, get-well, corporate events, anniversary, etc. Contact Maria at: [email protected]
BRONZE AMBITION: Best spray tan I ever had . . . hands down! Rebecca Veronika not only knows how to apply an amazingly even and golden spray tan, but she is friendly and professional, and I would HIGHLY recommend her. I’ve gotten LOTS of spray tans over the years when I was competing in Fitness & Figure competitions. Those tans looked o.k. on stage, but when you got up close, they were streaky and very “orange”. Bronze Ambition will come to you! She comes fully equipped. To contact Rebecca: 732-580-2747
RENAISSANCE SALON: Renaissance Hair Salon & Spa (located in the strip mall on Rt. 26 – near Dunkin Donuts & Sal’s Cleaners – at the top of New Amwell Rd.). They offer a relaxing and welcoming environment that is both modern and chic. Their expertly trained stylists have a passion for what they do and make every decision with the guests needs in mind. They have combined exquisite and innovative services to create an experience like no other. Renaissance stylists are trained in the latest techniques in order to remain on the cutting edge of hair care and creativity. When creating a new look, their stylists pay close attention to detail, and great consideration is placed on adaptability and suitability. This allows us to personalize each look to the individual’s facial features, hair type, and lifestyle. They are confident you will find their team among the finest anywhere. Visit their website to view our full menu of services, including facials, microdermabrasion, waxing, and full salon services. www.renaissancehairsalonnj.com
RWJ SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY: This is a great place to go for any type of physical rehab – and boy, are did a great job on my lower-back pain! They handle everything from ligament sprains to arthritic pain. I have always had a strong core and lower back, but I guess my age (47), my strenuous training routine/6 days per week, and the long hours I spend on my feet every day as a trainer can often take a toll on my lower back. Every now and again, it just tightens up and I am in a lot of pain. I heavily rely on the physical therapists at Sports Physical Therapy to get me mobile and pain free again! They have multiple locations, and one of the partners, Jeff Erickson, is a neighbor of mine – great guy! Can’t say enough about what an awesome facility this is! Hillsborough location: 908-359-8800, Princeton (609) 419-0455, Somerset (732) 565-5455, Flemington (908) 806-2000.
ARBONNE: Christine Murphy, a dedicated client at !MPACT Training just launched her own business with Arbonne! Arbonne is a highly regarded, premium brand with a Swiss heritage. Their skincare, cosmetic & nutritional products are healthy, safe, botanically-based and inspired by nature. The Arbonne experience starts with changing your skin, then it is about changing your life. If you are interested in purchasing products, hosting an event, or starting a business, contact her at: [email protected]
BELLE MEAD PHYSICAL THERAPY: Another GREAT physical therapy facility in town . . . Are you dealing with ongoing pain? Did you recently experience an injury? Mark Nagel, Physical Therapist, would be happy to provide you with a FREE consultation so that you increase your range of motion and work towards being pain FREE! Belle Mead Physical Therapy is located at 476 Amwell Road (right near the high school) in Hillsborough (908) 281-6515.
REALTOR: Are you looking to buy a new home or sell your current home? You really need someone who understands what you want and isn’t going to waste your time. Melissa is not only professional to deal with, but understands that families are the most important thing and so is the home they live in. Call Melissa Martin of Weichert Realtors – cell: 908-656-4070 or email: [email protected]
FRANKLIN MEDICAL GROUP: Dr. Steven DelMaestro (MD, Internal Medicine) of Hillsborough, NJ was approached to head up Franklin Medical Group – a new medical practice affiliated with Somerset Medical Hospital. Before taking on this new venture, Dr. DelMaestro had his own practice for 22 years, operating out of his offices in New Brunswick and North Brunswick (NJ). So . . . when is the last time you had a complete physical? Your health is so important – and so is finding a doctor who cares and actually takes the time to get to know you and your health history. Maybe you are presently getting medical care from a practice that is so huge – with so many different doctors that you feel it lacks that personal touch. Make your health a priority: 908-685-2526 (located @ Franklin Commons, 454 Elizabeth Avenue, Suite 210, Somerset, New Jersey).
MADCONNECTIONS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS -who provided a complete set-up of our new computers at !MPACT! Jaquim also helped me out last year when my home computer had some kind of a virus eating away at it — to the point where the screen went black. But because I still had power on this computer, Jaquim was able to salvage all my data and most of all, my MUSIC!! He cleaned it up and put my desktops stuff back in working order (i.e., Microsoft Office) — in addition to adding protection so this type of thing doesn’t happen again. MADCONNECTIONS is a professional, affordable and reliable computer repair company. Call them between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. at 907-768-6534 or email: [email protected]
STEPS TOGETHER: This is a local charity dedicated to inspiring our community to paying their blessings forward and supporting families in Somerset County facing a medical crisis. If you are looking for a great charity to get involved with, check out their website: www.steps-together.com. Courtney and Mike Newman (founders of Steps Together) are wonderful people – dedicating their lives to helping others.
20% OFF if you mention this add!!!! A&B LANDSCAPING of Central NJ: 908-240-8784. They do everything from lawn maintenance (cutting, edging, weeding, seasonal work, etc) and they also do landscape design, patio pavers and MORE! Increase the value of your home by improving the appearance of your lawn, shrubs and landscaping!!! They can make your house look like something out of Better Homes and Gardens!! Call today!
DOCTOR: Looking for a doctor you can rely on? Take good care of your body, and go for regular check-ups and blood work . . . We can’t take good health for granted. Come and meet the wonderful doctors in this group, like Ernest J DeLaCruz, MD (Board Certified in Internal Medicine), Montgomery Internal Medicine Group, 719 Route 206, Suite 100, Hillsborough , NJ (908) 904-0920 www.montgomeryinternalmedicinegroup.com
ITALIAN CUISINE: Caffe Piazza – DINE-IN, PICK-UP OR CATERING AVAILABLE: Fine Italian dining and catering by owner, Antonio Ruffa (a great friend and former client). Caffe Piazza is located on Route 206 in Hillsborough (in the same strip mall with Stop-N-Shop). Let them cater your next affair! (908) 359-9494
HILLSBOROUGH PODIATRY . . . Attention Hillsborough Residents – Marc Mizrachy is a fellow fitness enthusiast and also a well-recognized Podiatrist in town. They are open 6 days per week including Saturdays and three evenings. Hillsborough Podiatry Group — 719 Route 206, Suite 107, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 — (908)431-5901 – www.hillsboroughpodiatry.com
WILLS: Do you presently have a will? It may sound like something you can put off, but wouldn’t you like to make sure your family is taken care of – just the way you want? Tiffany Moore, Esq. can help simplify the process so you can rest easy, knowing everything is outlined properly – and she’ll make sure you don’t forget anything or anyone. And we are not just talking about monetary issues – what about guardians for your children or your pets in the unfortunate event something happens to you? Everyone should have a will — Don’t put it off another day . . . Gain piece of mind: Call Tiffany @ (908) 797-3198 or email her @: [email protected]
Organic Farm in Hillsborough: Jon Knox and his wife, Kimberly, have started an organic farm at Duke Farms. Everything they grow is done following the USDA organic guidelines as part of their lease with Duke Farms and the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA-NJ). Please check out their website or the detailed article from the Hillsborough Patch. Both links are attached: http://dogwoodfarmsnj.com/ andhttp://hillsborough.patch.com/articles/couple-s-venture-launches-new-era-in-hillsborough-farming
PODIATRIST: Dr. Brandon Zuklie, LLC –: Treats any and all issues of the foot and ankle, from warts to stress fractures and all other athletic injuries. Treats children as well as adults, and accepts most insurance plans. Address:1161 202N Branchburg (in the same strip mall near Phil’s Pizza and Texas Liquor — by Imclone and Chubb). Other offices in Piscataway and Monroe, NJ – for moreinfo: www.drzuklie.com
The Game & Party Place is New Jersey’s newest gaming venue with all the latest gaming systems as well as arcade games. This is a brand new business located at 27 South Street in Manville. It is owned and operated by Hillsborough residents, Melissa and Anthony D’Aniello so let’s show this local business some support while showing our kids a great time! Kids can go there to play their favorite arcade and video games with an hourly pass or daily pass – and they host parties too! I was pleasantly surprised to see how affordable the parties are – and they include everything for an amazing party! These days we can spend a small fortune on birthday parties . . . their pricing is awesome. To read an article with lots of info about this new business, click here: http://www.manvillenj.org/DocumentCenter/View/3273/Manvilles-News—August-2018 For more info, you can call them at: (908) 393-9006 https://www.thegameandparty.com/
The Preferred Client Group, LLC. Jamie Moore is a great client of ours, and he is on this team of financial professionals that act as Your Personal Financial Concierge, helping you make efficient business and personal economic decisions. We will become the single source to facilitate your comprehensive financial affairs. They provide a comprehensive educational process that includes the strategies, solutions, and resources necessary to make wise financial decisions. Through our holistic planning process, they will efficiently and cost effectively help build and protect your wealth. Their team of financial professionals can help you address: Investing principles and strategies, Retirement investing and distribution strategies, Estate conservation issues, Risk management. FOR MORE INFO OR A CONSULTATION, CONTACT JAMIE @: 908-272-3722
A Source for Wellness – Acupuncture: (908) 392-3468 — Michael Gonzales, is located at 67 Mountain Blvd., Warren, NJ. Michael sees himself as a partner in a person’s healing journey, assisting them in taking responsibility for their health through acupuncture and wellness. And I had the pleasure of getting a complimentary acupuncture session to relieve stress . . . It was amazing! Such an interesting way to treat patients for a variety of reasons, and it has been around for centuries!
ACTIVCORE — ONE-ON-ONE PHYSICAL THERAPY — CONTINUUM HEALTH CLINICS: Adrienne Jensen and Activcore offer physical therapy services that are one-on-one for the entire session utilizing suspension equipment (Redcord) to maximize treatment times in a pain-free environment so people can achieve their goals faster. They assess the whole person from head to toe to find out the cause and not just treat the pain. Adrienne also offers golf-specific assessments! 908-625-625-9688 They are located not far off Route 206 — just down the road in Princeton (800 Bunn Drive, Princeton, NJ) . . . AMAZING facility!
DRX DUCT CLEANING: Call George: (908) 755-2950 . . . THANK YOU to George Ghanime, owner of DRX Duct Cleaning, who learned that the Koll family was in need of having their air-ducts and AC/heating vents cleaned so they could bring their son, Chris Koll home from the hospital. Since Chris is undergoing chemotherapy, it is essential they do all they can to help his compromised immune system, so cleaning out all the duct work was first on the list to reduce the chances of mold, etc. I told George about the Koll family, and he immediately reached out to them to provide them with service, and he picked up the tab. George knew that Chris is one of the Steps Together beneficiaries, and he wanted to give back. Thank you so much, George! Visit their website: www.NJAirDuct.com