VALENTINE SPECIAL: Unlimited Training for the month of February is only $99 (new clients only) . . . and on Friday, February 14th, and Saturday, February 15th all clients are invited to bring their spouse or significant others for a FREE group training session! Woohoo! So spread the LOVE!! Need more info about our training? Call Michael 908-403-7605.

WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU PLATEAU ON YOUR WEIGHT-LOSS PLAN? When we start a new diet regimen we certainly want it to be a healthy lifestyle rather than just a fad diet where you gain the weight back quickly. But what if you feel stuck? . . . You’ve been eating clean and watching your daily caloric intake while exercising, and you were losing weight pretty steadily the first few weeks –and now nothing??? Well remember that our bodies are like human calculators . . . keeping track of the calories we eat every day, and many of us get in that rut of eating the same thing at the same time every day. Think about varying your macronutrients. For example, if you normally have an egg-white omelet with spinach every morning with a slice of whole grain toast, change things up. Make yourself a healthy meal-replacement shake and include healthy ingredients like low-fat milk or almond milk as your base – and then add a scoop of protein powder along with a handful of baby spinach — and include a small handful of blueberries and a banana. It is also helpful to add a Tablespoon of a healthy fat like flax oil. You will gaining awesome nutrition and shaking things up on your diet so that your body gets “unstuck”. It also helps if you change around your mid-morning snack and mid-afternoon snack. Try not to eat the exact same thing every day. One, two or even three days in a row is o.k. if you have your favorite things you want to have – but swapping out starches like bread or pasta or rice and replacing it with fibrous carbs like vegetables is also a great strategy to try. And let’s not forget how important WATER is for weight-loss. It helps flush out excess fats and toxins and keeps the metabolism running smoothly. Shoot for 90-128 ounces per day. It may seem like a lot, but if you are aiming high, you have a much better chance of reaching at least 90 oz. Lastly, fat is burned by our bodies and eliminated through our sweat, our lungs/breath and also our bladder and colon (waste). So just think . . . if you are moving MORE with daily exercise, you will reach your goals sooooooo much faster. Even if you are new to exercise or maybe it’s been a while since you’ve exercised, participating in a 20-minute beginner exercise video on Demand or on YouTube will become so critical to your success. We’re moving MORE and eating less . . . Summer bodies are made in the winter, so let’s go!!!!!!!!!!!! Need some guidance, call me: Hillarie 908-403-7620. I can help you map out a plan for success with your diet and exercise regimen.

CLIENT HIGHLIGHT: ROB FIORENTINO – Walked-On @ Kansas University and is lighting up the field!: Rob Fiorentino of Somerville (pictured above) had been playing football since he was 5 years old (flag football) – He moved onto tackle football in 3rd grade and ALWAYS had dreams of playing college football and even onto the playing in the NFL. Well many kids say that, but are they willing to put in all the hard work it takes to get there? Rob definitely is! So Rob came to me for sports nutrition back when he was in 8th grade, as he wanted to add some muscle to his body heading into his freshman year of high school football. And he did just that. He was compliant when we outlined his nutrition, whether it was to use protein supplementation and healthier snacks to pack on quality calories – or even if it meant getting more sleep so his body had the recovery it needed to grow. He had an amazing high school football career as a running back & cornerback, along with being on special teams. Rob had lots of Division 3 offers to play football in college, but his heart was set on a Division 1 school . . . Kansas University in Particular. So he sent his football highlights NUMEROUS times to the coaches at Kansas University, and they finally weeded through hundreds of athletes’ films to get to Rob’s. They invited him out for a visit. So freshman year of college Rob was invited as a “Preferred Walk-on” @ Kansas University . . . He was now a Jayhawk! He wasn’t sure he would see much playing time, but he would patiently wait for the opportunity and always kept his body and his nutrition “game ready”. Well not only did Rob get playing time, but the coaches want him to come back next year as more of a hybrid position Fullback/Running Back. And again, he was told he should put on a little more muscle for this position – and this is what brought him back to !MPACT Training. Although Kansas University offers sports nutrition, Rob felt comfortable knowing he was successful working with me the first time. So Rob and his mom, Marcia, came to me for an updated sports nutrition appointment, and we set the stage for an increase in lean muscle mass and supplementation to match his rigorous training. I don’t think I have ever met a young man with more determination and belief in what he could accomplish. I wanted to highlight Rob because he never gave up, even when other colleges turned him away. He believed . . . he trained hard . . . followed a structured nutrition program . . . and kept pursuing his dream. Congrats Rob! I’m so excited to see what next season brings at Kansas! Go Jayhawks!
There is still time to get in on the TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE 2020

Wouldn’t you LOVE to be able to make 2020 the year that you finally reach those fitness and weight-loss goals? Well we created a motivational challenge! Clients interested in participating will arrange to have their BEFORE pictures and weigh-ins done with a staff member and they can join this contest that began in January. They might have some catching up to do, but they can still win if their transformation photos are the best! There will be plenty of motivation and inspiration throughout the program – provided by our staff. At the end of April, your AFTER photos and weigh-ins will take place, and the Impact staff will make their decision on our 2020 Transformation Challenge Winner! So, in addition to your body transformation being the best prize ever – along with bragging rights, the client with the best transformation will win:
- Five 30-Minute Personal Training Sessions
- One 30-Minute Nutrition/Maintenance appointment
- One Month of Unlimited Training
- $50 Visa Gift Card
- Goodie bag with supplements and MORE!
It is only $25 to enter the Transformation Challenge for any clients training with us (or if you are already paying for our 16-Week Weight-Wellness Program, your $25 fee for this contest will be waived). Call Michael today to set up your initial weigh-in and BEFORE pictures! 908-403-7605.

You can still enroll in our weekly WEIGHT-WELLNESS PROGRAM
This is a weekly nutritional Program – AND YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE AN IMPACT CLIENT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE! You can come strictly for this nutrition program if you like. This weekly program will lead you to the beginning of May, just in time for spring/summer! We want to help you set AND reach your health and fitness goals. Here is what you will get with this program:
- Getting Started – Initial weigh-ins, measurements & goal setting
- Weekly Meetings – Accountability – Weekly Weigh-Ins
- Recipe Shares + Food & Macronutrient Tracking
- Private Facebook Page — Support Group & Meet-Ups
- Weekly Topics & Motivational Emails
- Text or call Hillarie to sign up! 908-403-7620
- CLICK HERE to see flyer with ALL the details.

DO YOU NEED TO JUMP-START YOUR METABOLISM WITH A CLEANSE! Do you think you will need a DETOX after a fun holiday season? I know I do– every year J! But that’s called BALANCE . . . enjoying life, but taking the time to RESET your metabolism and put yourself on the fast-track to weight-loss, improved energy levels and overall better health in the new year. If you are ready to get started, text or call Hillarie (908) 403-7620. You do not need to be one of our clients to participate in this program as it is all coached virtually and the products get shipped directly to your home and meal plans are emailed and coached over the phone. It only takes 3-5 business days for your program to arrive! Call today!
FEBRUARY GROUP TRAINING SCHEDULE (CLICK HERE): PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR CALENDAR THAT IS CHOCK-FULL OF AMAZING TRAINING SESSIONS TO HELP YOU REACH YOUR GOALS. Why is our Group Training different than a big box gym where you can take classes or work out on your own? You are ALWAYS led by a Certified or Degreed Personal Trainer – not just a fitness coach who was certified by the gym where they work. Great trainers are hard to find . . . but we take our time and we choose high-level trainers who are ready to motivate you and guide you, every single session! We are a training facility that offers personal training, multi-level bootcamps (so all fitness levels are welcome), elite athlete training, weight-training sessions, weight-loss programs, nutrition and more! Please check out our schedule as we offer programs for adults, teens and kids. Questions? Give us a call: (908) 428-7978! #investinyou

CONGRATS KAREN BRIEGS: Karen (pictured above) is an !MPACT client who truly inspires me. She is married – has two amazing kids that train with us, and she trains for Spartan races. I’m always in awe of the discipline and dedication it takes to train for these events . . . Between all the running/miles as well as obstacles. And so much of it requires an enormous amount of strength and stamina. Congrats Karen on completing the Spartan Trifecta! You are such a great role model for other moms . . . We are never too old to start setting goals AND reaching them! You rock! And thank you for choosing !MPACT to help you prepare for these amazing events.

CONGRATS TO MY TEAM MATE EMILY: Emily’s before and after photos are only ONE YEAR APART . . . Her company Christmas party (see photos above). You’re amazing Emily — This might be my newest favorite transformation!! And thanks for sharing your story/words: “This was me at my work Christmas party 1 year ago, I was always too tired to do anything, unmotivated, over weight and unhappy: not just with my appearance, but with everything. Fast forward to my Christmas party this year . . . I have gained so much energy and confidence in the past 9 months on this amazing system and now I know I CAN DO ANYTHING. #thirtydayscanchangeyourlife #nutritionalcleansing #howbaddoyouwantit
KIDS TRAINING IS BACK ON SATURDAY’S AT 10:00 a.m.: This program is always a hit for ages 7-12 . . . And will begin on Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. starting November 2nd. During this 45-minute workout, we focus on speed, agility, balance, strength & conditioning, and running form. We use lots of fun equipment like ladders, hurdles, medicine balls, slide boards, plyo-boxes, and more! If you have a 12 year old that you would like us to evaluate, we would be happy to see if their athletic abilities would be better utilized in our Elite Athlete Program for kids 13+. KIDS Training drop-ins are only $15, or the discounted rate for the month/4 sessions is $55. Questions, just call Michael at 908-403-7605.
ATTENTION ALL RUNNERS: So many of our bootcampers and personal training clients have formed an amazing relationship and started entering mud races, 5K’s and other obstacle course races together. It’s a great community of people (all ages) and they are making fitness that much more FUN! Bill Mathers (also on the board member of Steps Together with me) created a running group that meets every Sunday at 8:00 a.m. @ the Millstone entrance (Rt. 514) to the D&R Canal. Many of our clients participate in this run on Sundays . . . So if you are interested in joining this group, it’s open to anyone and everyone. . . Just head over to the meeting place, and have a great run with some truly inspiring people!
YOGA: We are thrilled to have Erin Chung offering Yoga on TWO SUNDAYS: February 9th and February 23rd at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Please bring a yoga mat, a bottle of water and your positive energy! Namaste!
SPEED, AGILITY, STRENGTH & CONDITIONING – ELITE ATHLETE TRAINING: Let us help your athlete get faster, stronger and learn proper running form, along with learning about Sports Nutrition so they fuel their bodies for optimal performance. They will build core strength, increase speed & quickness, and condition their bodies to improve overall performance. This program is a combination of weights and speed/endurance training, so it’s perfect for any athlete. Most of all, our trainers will help build CONFIDENCE in your kids/teens. The Elite Athlete Program are discounted group sessions – and they will receive “Unlimited Training” for teens 13-17. We also offer one-on-one sessions or partner sessions for those who want to work with a trainer on a more specific goal. E-mail us if you want more info or want to schedule an appt: [email protected]
VERTIMAX TRAINING: Parents: Do you have an athlete who wants to be able to jump higher and become more explosive for their sport of choice? Our Vertimax Training is just what your athlete needs. These are 30-minute, one-on-one training sessions using our Vertimax Trainer. This patented, jump-training technology is specifically designed to power in all phases of a vertical jump – which is great for every sport. By simultaneously targeting explosive leg power and arm swing velocity, athletes can now maximize their vertical lift component and get unmatched vertical gains. So this equipment can help your athlete run faster, jump higher and become more explosive. Our customized plans are based on each client’s specific goals – and we identify their strengths and weaknesses . . . then we get to work! To learn more about this training or how to get on our trainers’ calendar, call Michael: 908-403-7605.
TEAM TRAINING: If your team is looking to get FASTER AND STRONGER, call us to learn about our discounted rates for teams. No matter the sport, our Certified Personal Trainers will customize the team training to meet your needs. And what a great way to build comradery among team mates. Even if you can’t get the entire team together, training with a handful of team mates builds great comradery. We will work on strength, speed, agility, quickness, explosiveness, flexibility, core strength and stamina. Give Michael a call to find out rates and trainer availability: 908-403-7605.
OUR LATEST IMPACT TRAINING COMMERCIAL!: We are so excited to share the new commercial that plays before EVERY movie at the Hillsborough Cinema. Check it out here, and FEEL our energy, knowledge and passion for what we do: https://youtu.be/aDMtOHiv4FQ
ANYONE INTERESTED IN A SUPER FUN AND INSPIRING SIDE-HUSTLE? All you need is the desire to become healthy and fit yourself! I will provide the training and guidance which is giving so many moms and dads the opportunity to work from home so they have more time with their family, friends and hobbies. So whether you are looking for full-time or part-time hours, this opportunity is for YOU! Call for more info Hillarie: 908-403-7620.
SENIORS DISCOUNTED RATE: Did you know that we offer a discounted training rate for those who are 60 years or older? YAY! One of the perks of turning 60! Our Unlimited Training for those 60 years or older is at the discounted rate of only $99 per month. And during this type of training, you will ALWAYS be guided by a trainer so we take the “guess work” out of your weekly training routine! Most of our clients are coming 3-4 times per week for training, so with this NEW discounted price for seniors, they will only paying about $6.18 per training session! YAHOO! We love keeping people fit at every age, and all of our sessions are multi-level, so we meet you where you are . . . Then we help you set goals AND meet them!! We also offer a $5 discount on each Personal Training appointment for anyone who is 60 or older – along with the discounted price of only $15 for drop-ins to our group sessions. For info on how to join !MPACT, call Michael at 908-403-7605.
!MPACT OFFERS ½ HOUR PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS: Some people are pressed for time, others juggling finances . . . but one thing for sure, many of you are making fitness a priority. You now have the option to come for a full, 55-minute personal training session — OR come for a 30-minute personal training session. We will help you set some goals and then take action! During this 30-minute session, you will perform a quick & effective warm-up, work all your major muscle groups, stimulate your core, and burn calories and fat. These sessions are customized to meet your needs, and you can also do it with a friend! And maybe you have a young athlete who you think could benefit from some one-on-one training. Thirty-minute sessions are extremely affordable. Call us today to find out pricing for these sessions . . . You can pay as you come or purchase a discounted 10-Pack of 30-Minute Sessions. No excuses. . . you can do it now! Call Michael for Pricing and availability: 908-403-7605
FOR THOSE WHO ARE WONDERING ABOUT OUR “ZONE” TRAINING: We want to help our clients SET and REACH their fitness goals. For those who are interested in using the latest technology, our trainers are prepared to turn ALL of your workouts into ZONE Training – whether you are coming for personal training, bootcamps, strength training or Elite Athlete Training! This will help you burn fat and build lean muscle so you are fit and energized! This new Zone training method involves using a special heart-rate monitor (chest strap) that not only connects to your cell phone app, but the minute you walk into IMPACT Training, your device connects via Bluetooth – so your name appears in a box on our giant-screen TV. With this technology, you can simply glance at the display to see the zone you are training in during your workout. This cutting-edge technology is completely optional for our clients, but so far everyone seems to want IN! This new system not only displays the percentage of your max heart rate during your entire workout, but it is color-coded so you can easily see whether you are in fat-burning mode or high intensity/conditioning mode. This equipment is so helpful whether your goal is weight-loss –or building stamina/endurance for a fitness race or event. Just speak to Michael at the front desk and he can order your strap – DO NOT ORDER ON-LINE, as we get them for our clients at a discount! We literally get them for 50% off, and we want to pass that savings onto our clients. Once you receive it, you register it on-line with all your personal data – and you will automatically be connected to our facility as soon as you walk in! How cool is this?!!!

Co-Owner, !MPACT Training
February . . . the month for LOVE . . . Let’s show some love to ourselves by taking better care of our bodies. On a daily basis, we are responsible for so many others – whether it is to our kids, spouse, aging parent or a career. When will it be time for YOU? Let’s start putting more time aside for exercising/training and putting some thought into our daily meals and snacks. You would be surprised at how well we do when we actually have a PLAN in place . . . STRUCTURE to follow. I would love to offer you a FREE consultation to talk about your health and fitness goals and how we can help you achieve them. Remember, the only way to fail is to quit. We will have no quitters here. Let’s do this! Please call me if you’d like to set up a FREE Consultation: 908-403-7620 –Hillarie