HOLIDAY VENDOR BOUTIQUE! Way to kick off your holiday shopping! Mark your calendar for a night out . . . Thursday, November 13th from 6-9:00 p.m. We will have great costume jewelry from NYC, as well as home-made items: scarves, baby clothing, stationery, soaps, marble pen/pencil sets, and more! Here are some other great products/items we will have at the boutique: Home-Made Jams by Kim, Cabi Clothing, Origami Owl Lockets, Thirty-One bags, WildTree Products, Arbonne Cosmetics, Gymboree Gift Certificates & Children’s Toys, Jamberry Nails, !MPACT Training Gift Certificates & Nutritional Supplements/Fitness Baskets, Mary Kay, Cookie Fun by Maria (decorative cookies for EVERY event), Pampered Chef, Madelyn’s Bowtique, Roda & Fields Dermatology-Based Skin Care, Touch of Healing Massage Therapy, home-made ornaments for every occasion, and LOTS MORE! Norz Hill Farm will be represented and will have pies to taste – and you can place your orders for Thanksgiving Day pies – YAHOO! We will also be serving delicious appetizers and desserts! Please note: We will not have any group training or personal training sessions on the evening of the vendor boutique.
FREE POST-THANKSGIVING BOOTCAMP! That’s right . . . We will be holding our 3rd Annual Post-Turkey Day Bootcamp on Friday, November 28th at 8:30 a.m. Work off some of that pie you ate! Haha! This workout is FREE for clients AND newcomers as well – no drop in fee necessary! And please know we offer so many variations to each exercise so that we attract all fitness levels . . . nobody should ever feel intimidated. We have clients who are super fit, while others have big fitness goals to drop 50 pounds through healthy eating and regular exercise with us. We make it fun for everyone and we use great equipment too! Weighted ropes, medicine balls, TRX Suspension Training, Kettlebells, and more! If you are new to !MPACT, just come 10 minutes early to fill out a short registration/waiver form, and you will be all set!
YOGA – TWICE PER MONTH! As a special treat we offered Yoga on Sunday, October 12th for only $10 to drop-in. We really loved Ann Marie Ovares’s multi-level yoga class with fun, upbeat music . . . so we are going to offer it again on Sunday, November 9th and on Sunday, November 23rd from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. We will continue to offer it at the discounted drop-in rate of $10 for ALL participants, since this is not part of our regular training calendar. Please bring your own yoga mat, a bottle of water, and a positive attitude . . . We will take care of the rest! What a great way to start your Sunday morning!
KIDS Training (Ages 8-12)! This training session will address SPEED, AGILITY AND OVERALL CONDITIONING. It is just what you child needs – whether they play a sport and wish to enhance performance or they just want to stay active in the fall and winter. They will participate in speed & agility drills and obstacle courses using fun equipment. This is a 45-Minute Class and is only $15 to drop in or $65 for the month (since there are 5 Saturdays in November). Remember, if you have a child who is age 12 and is competitively playing a sport, call us 908-428-7978 to set up an appointment so we can evaluate him/her. Your child may be a better fit in our Elite Athlete Program for teens 13+. Please email Mike if you are interested in getting your kids into !MPACT, email Mike: [email protected]
– PLEASE COME TO TRAIN WITH US ON HALLOWEEN, AS OUR STAFF IS SURPRISING YOU IN COSTUME WITH TREATS AT THE END OF BOOTCAMP (he-he-he!). Please note there are some slight changes to our schedule as we will NOT be hosting our 6:00 a.m. bootcamp on the morning after Halloween (Nov. 1st). The 7:30 a.m. bootcamp and 9:00 a.m. Power & Strength Sessions on that day are not affected.
We also have some changes on our calendar due to our 3rd Annual Holiday Vendor Boutique on November 13th – There will be NO group training or personal training on that evening since our floor space will be loaded with vendors – supporting our favorite charity, “Steps Together”! YAY!
– Changes to Thanksgiving weekend schedule: On Thanksgiving morning, we are offering an 8:30 a.m. Bootcamp, and will be closed for the rest of the day. Then on the day after Thanksgiving, we will NOT hold our 5:45 a.m. or our new 9:30 a.m. “Five + One” group training session. Instead, we will have an 8:30 a.m. Bootcamp. We will also have our 12:30 p.m. bootcamp as well as our 4:00 p.m. Plyometrics/Speed & Agility Class, our 4:30 p.m. Weight-Training Session and our 5:30 p.m. Power & Strength Session. So Friday evening sessions will carry on as usual – and on Saturday, bootcamps and Power & Strength will take place at their regularly scheduled times.
– NEW GROUP TRAINING SESSION ON FRIDAY MORNINGS AT 9:30 A.M.! It is called FIVE + ONE! Our trainer will outline five weight-bearing exercises + one cardio exercise to complete in a circuit – and when those exercises are complete, five new exercises are outlined with another cardio exercise. This is another form of interval training geared towards burning FAT and building lean muscle . . . awesome workout – and we’re always changing things up a bit so you get the most out of your workouts!
– Full-Body Fitness Classes: We are now offering a 30-Minute Full-Body Class on Mondays at 5:30 p.m. with a 30-Minute High Intensity Class (HIT/Cardio) immediately following Full-Body Class at 6:00 p.m. These half-hour sessions are only $10 to drop in, so stay for both and it is only $20 . . . or FREE for Unlimited Training clients. We had to remove the Full-Body Fitness Class from our Thursday calendar at 5:30 p.m. since our Elite Athlete training session (also happening at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday) is growing so nicely. However, we are still offering Group Training for adults and teens (ages 15+) on Thursday evenings, so please try our newly upgraded TRX Training at 6:30 p.m.
– TRX Training session on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. is now longer (50/55-minute session instead of only 45 minutes). For those who enjoyed the Full-Body Fitness Class at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday’s, please consider taking the TRX Training session at 6:30 p.m. instead. Here is a description of that training: Predominantly, you will be using TRX Suspension Training and TRX Rip Trainers – and we work in the use of slide-boards and other functional equipment. All fitness levels welcome, and the drop-in fee is only $20 or FREE for Unlimited Training Clients. Burn calories, get lean and get a great total body workout! And immediately following TRX is another one of our H.I.T. Classes (30-minutes of cardio intervals). So stay for this class too! H.I.T. starts promptly at 7:30 p.m., and is only $10 to drop in or FREE for Unlimited Training clients.
– PLENTY OF TRAINING EVERY WEEK: As we continue to build our business, we try to make sure we offer plenty of sessions to appeal to everyone . . . And remember, since we are NOT a gym, you are NOT coming to mindlessly run on the treadmill or walk around the weight room wondering how to set up your workout. At !MPACT, you are ALWAYS GUIDED AND MOTIVATED BY A TRAINER. We set up your training for you so you are on track for success. We offer group training sessions early morning and mid-morning, as well as every week nights and Saturdays (some Sundays specified). We offer group Bootcamps, Weight-Training Workouts, Elite Athlete Training, Fit-Strength Sessions, Plyometrics/Speed & Agility Classes, TRX Training, H.I.T. (High Intensity Training), Full-Body Fitness Class, and our new FIVE + ONE training session. And please note know we offer one-on-one sessions, partner training and semi-private training by appointment so call us today! 908-428-7978. Please CLICK HERE to view our November Group Training Calendar!
30-Days Can Change Your Life . . . NUTRITIONAL CLEANSING!
MY BEFORE AND AFTER PHOTOS . . . JUST 30 DAYS! In just 30 days, I lost 13 pounds and a total of 11 inches (and that was just in my mid-section!) . . . If you want to see my before and after photos, stop into !MPACT Training . . . I made a big poster and have them on display! And because I decided to continue with the weight-loss/maintenance plan, I am still losing inches and am loving my flat belly. I will add updated photos because the continued changes while being on this plan are definitely notable. I’m happy to share this program that has truly been a blessing. I’m healthier and A LOT happier! See paragraph below to learn a little more about the program.

The couple above is on our team, and look at what they accomplished from one summer to the next!
Thirty days can definitely change your life . . It did for me! As you may have read in our October Newsletter, I mentioned that for a variety of reasons (age, busy schedule, hormones, etc) I put on about 15 pounds over the last 2 years. And while trying to research a supplement line for a client who needed one that was soy-free, gluten-free and free of artificial sweeteners, I was introduced to a program which met that criteria . . . a program that would ultimately change my life and the way I am eating. I already know so much about nutrition, but I needed something that would rejuvenate my body and help me feel younger and more vibrant. This weight loss plan is not only scientifically proven, but the magic is in the maintenance. I now have a game plan for weekend fun, vacations, and the holidays. And I don’t need to feel deprived, nor guilty for enjoying myself – and the supplements are delicious. If you are interested in learning more about Nutritional Cleansing, just drop me an email with your cell number, and I will give you a quick 10-minute guide through the program. Email me your cell number: [email protected]
RESOLUTION RUN: It might seem like January is pretty far off, but the holiday season goes so fast – before you know it, we will be in 2015. I like to keep our community in the loop on these kinds of events . . . If you want to do the 14th Annual Resolution 5K Run & Walk, you need to register by November 29th, and they close registration when they max out – SO DON’T WAIT! The event will be held on Thursday, January 1, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. (Hillsborough Municipal Building). The cost to register on-line is $33.00, and you can go on-line to register: — For more info about the race:
GET READY FOR OUR 12-WEEK WEIGHT-LOSS CHALLENGE: Yes, we will definitely be offering a weight-loss program again this January, since so many people make that commitment to start the new year off right – and we want to be there to support them. So in addition to sending participants helpful diet tips and motivational words of encouragement, we will also be offering MONTHLY PRIZES for the person who loses the highest percentage of body-weight – in addition to a beautiful gift basket of goodies for our Grand Prize Winner at the end of the contest. The monthly winners will receive FREE Personal Training sessions to help keep them on track (YAHOO!) . . . and our Grand Prize Winner (at the end of the 12-Week Contest) will receive a gift basket FILLED with goodies: healthy supplements, a gift certificate for a month of Unlimited Group Training, a gift certificate for Personal Training, a bottle of champagne, a restaurant gift certificate and MORE! Participants will need to set up a quick appointment with one of our staff members to weigh-in . . . and they will need to do this between January 2nd and January 7th. Each participant will be assigned a number so their name is kept private – and they will be required to weigh in weekly (on their own) and record their weight in their numbered file. Our staff will be checking the files weekly to update the leader board. We are hoping the additional monthly prizes will help keep the competition interesting – and will make people work harder to win! We do everything we can to help our clients stay motivated!
Kid/Teen Athletes with GOOD REPORT CARDS: We always want to encourage kids to train hard to enhance their performance . . . but we also want to remind them that academics come FIRST. Therefore, if any of our elite athletes (grades 6-12) get straight “A’s” on their next report card, we have a Smoothie King Gift Card for them! It is always nice to be rewarded! If your kids are training with us, make sure they bring their next report card in to show us!
Hillarie’s Chunky Vegetable & Chicken Soup
(It is easiest to make this in a crock-pot, but there are directions below for cooking in a large pot)
1 package of Ground Chicken Breast (1 lb.)
2 medium-size zucchini (diced)
2 medium-size yellow squash (diced)
5 stalks of celery (chopped)
1.5 cups of baby carrots (chopped or sliced)
1 clear/box of fresh baby spinach
½ head of shredded cabbage
1 small onion (chopped)
1 small crate of fresh sliced mushrooms
3 cloves of fresh garlic (minced)
4 tablespoons of olive oil
Spices: Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder & Cayenne Pepper is optional
– In a frying pan, cook the ground chicken – breaking apart into tiny pieces with a spatula. Sprinkle with a little salt, pepper, garlic powder, and a hint of cayenne pepper (optional) while cooking. Transfer cooked meat into crock-pot.
– In frying pan, use 4 tablespoons of olive oil, and brown 3 cloves of fresh garlic (minced) – then add: Box of baby spinach and crate of sliced mushrooms. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and cayenne pepper (optional to add a little spice to the soup) and allow the spinach to cook and reduce/size.
– Now transfer the spinach and mushrooms into the crockpot with all the other chopped, diced or sliced raw vegetables listed.
– Add two 32 oz. boxes/cartons of Free-Range Organic Low-Sodium Chicken Broth to the crockpot (found at my Shop-Rite in the healthy/gourmet aisles).
– Stir crock-pot to mix ingredients, and cook on high for 4 hours or cook on low for 6-7 hours. If you are cooking it in a large pot on your stove, you would bring it to a boil, then lower the flame and simmer (stirring occasionally) for 3-4 hours. Your vegetables will be soft and flavorful!
– SERVING SIZE = 1-2 Cups . . . it is low-calorie – mostly veggies – delish!
MONTHLY DRAWING: Congratulation to The Brouillard Family who won a $25 Gift Certificate to use towards training. We sent a second email to the winner of a $50 Gift Certificate . . . We only have your email address – not your names, so please respond ASAP to collect your gift certificate. Log onto our website to enter our monthly drawing . . . Just scroll to the bottom of our home page . . . Next month it might be YOU who wins!
100% of the Proceeds From the Holiday Boutique is going to STEPS TOGETHER! That’s right . . . each of our vendors will pay $40 for space at our annual Holiday Boutique, and ALL of that money will be given to our favorite charity “Steps Together”. Last year we only had about 10 vendors, and this year we have over 20!!! It is our goal to collect $1,000 for Steps Together, and I think this year we will make it!! We feel blessed to be able to use !MPACT Training as a platform to do great things for this charity as well as for our community. Thanks to our clients, friends and members of our community for making this possible.
OUR PAY-IT-FORWARD VIDEO TO MOTIVATE YOU THIS HOLIDAY SEASON . . . Let’s make it the season for giving! Please enjoy watching what we have accomplished here at !MPACT Training:
DRIVE-THRU DIFFERENCE: Be on the lookout at your local drive-up (Hillsborough) . . . !MPACT Training loves the Drive-Thru Difference idea that radio station Star 99.1 came up with, so we’ve started this back up again! You can brighten someone’s day just by paying for the car behind you. We all carry so much stress with busy careers while trying to care for our homes or our kids or sick parents, etc. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that there really are nice people in the world? Whether it is just a cup of coffee or a breakfast sandwich, !MPACT Training is looking to brighten the day for people in our community. Ya never know who might be in front of you at the drive in . . . Maybe it is us!! We’re continuing this during November and December to get in the GIVING state of mind!
MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR NEXT YEAR . . The Renaissance Hair Salon Fashion Show raised $17,000 for in May with an awesome red-carpet event. They’ve already set the date for next year’s show! Mark your 2015 calendars: Renaissance Runs the Runway – Thursday Evening, April 30th at the Bridgewater Manor. . . Cocktails, Dinner, Basket Auction, Fashion Show! You won’t wanna miss it!
CLIENT SERVICES: As part of our Client Services Program, I will personally be reaching out to ALL our !MPACT personal training clients (whether you train with me, Mike Kelderman or Alex Fontanetta each week). I will be scheduling a FREE consultation with each client to reiterate their goals and to set new ones! It is so important to take your health and fitness seriously so you can look and feel your best. I want to inspire and motivate our clients to be their personal best . . . their VERY BEST! You only get ONE body . . . Treat it WORLDCLASS!
30-MINUTE NUTRITIONAL COACHING SESSIONS: !MPACT has been offering our hour and a half, One-on-One Nutritional Sessions since we opened a little over two years ago. Sometimes people really need to sit down and learn the science behind a healthy diet, in addition to mapping out a customized plan for success. So in addition to these hour and a half sessions, !MPACT is now offering 30-Minute Nutritional Coaching Sessions for only $49.00. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and will leave the session with a great plan of attack! Interested in setting up an appointment with one of our trainers for a 30-minute Nutritional Coaching Session? Email: [email protected]
OUR !MPACT Trainers . . . Here to guide & motivate you!

Alexandra Fontanetta, Certifed in Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning and Coaching

Michael Kelderman, BS/Exercise Science, Certified in Personal Training and Strength & Conditioning
Hillarie Scannelli, Certified in Personal Training, Sports Conditioning, Nutrition & Sports Nutrition

Michael Scannelli, Certified in Group Training, Bootcamps & Coaching

Nico Scannelli, Certified !MPACT Mascot
PERSONAL TRAINING AND SEMI-PRIVATE TRAINING IS GREAT FOR ATHLETES: If you have a young athlete (ages 8-18) who needs to set sports specific goals, let our trainers help you reach them with our one-on-one training sessions. Whether your child/teen needs to work on running form, speed & agility or needs to increase stamina, strength, or their vertical jump, our trainers will help you get there. Our customized plans are based on each client’s specific goals – and we identify their strengths and weaknesses . . . then we get to work! We also have several athletes taking advantage of our Semi-Private Training with either their team-mates or friends. The term Semi-Private means that there is a limited number of participants. If you are interested in setting up a time for your teen athlete (personal training) or with their teammates/friends to train, please email Michael for registration form and payment info: [email protected]. Just let us know the days/times you are looking for, and we will set up a specific time JUST FOR YOU!
PERSONAL TRAINING – NEW DISCOUNT PACKAGES AVAILABLE THAT INCLUDES FREE TRAINING. . . We’ve always offered discount packages for those who wish to save a few bucks, but now we are giving them incentive to MOVE MORE FOR FREE! If you are a personal training client and purchase a discount 10-pack or discount 20-pack of training sessions (training at least 1-3 days per week – regularly), you are now entitled to come for one FREE group training session per week! This is going to give you that incentive to MOVE MORE and reach your goals. Are you committed to getting fit? Let us help you. Call us at 908-428-7978 or email: [email protected]. We offer personal training throughout the day – starting early morning, straight through till 9:00 p.m. Just call or email us to let us know the time frame you would like to train, and we’ll match that up with our trainer availability.
NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS . . . FREE CONSULTATION: As many of you already know, I do my best to research supplements to ensure safety along with positive results for clients who are training with us. Whether it is an elite athlete at the high school who needs healthy choices for snacks and quality protein powder to mix into their post-workout shakes — or a woman who just had a baby and is looking to get back to her “pre-baby” weight, I need to find solutions to help my clients reach their goals. I always choose supplement lines that are banned-substance free — and I also found a super healthy supplement line that is gluten-free, soy free and is also FREE of artificial sweeteners. So no matter what your body needs, I can help you find just the right supplements to compliment your daily nutritional plan. If you would like a free consultation to discuss which supplements might be right for you, email me. I would be happy to help you . . . whether you need to lose weight, increase lean muscle mass, or just get healthy! We can set up some time to chat. Email me at: [email protected]
DISCOUNT Training & Nutrition Events for Boys Scouts and Girls Scouts: We offer great educational events for scouts . . . and as part of our Pay-It-Forward mission, the charge is minimal per child. We just helped three Girl Scout troops get their “Practice with a Purpose” badge, and a group of Boy Scouts earn their Fitness Badge. Please call us if you are interested in getting your troop or pack together to learn a little bit about nutrition and they will get a great workout using fun equipment too. Call Mike (908) 428-7978 or email: [email protected]
!MPACT COMMERCIAL @ HILLSBOROUGH CINEMA!: We are really excited to announce that !MPACT Training has made their debut at the Hillsborough Cinema! If you haven’t seen it already, you will see this short commercial before every movie!
FAMILY “CAP”: We now have so many families who have joined !MPACT, so we wanted to make it more affordable to have multiple family members training. Therefore, we created a Family CAP so that your expenses on training are controlled and affordable. Call or e-mail Michael to hear about our great family discount packages: 908-428-7978 or [email protected]
!MPACT OFFERS ½ HOUR PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS: Some people are pressed for time, others juggling finances . . . but one thing for sure, many of you are making fitness a priority. You now have the option to come for a full, 55-minute personal training session — OR come for a 30-minute personal training session. We will help you set some goals and then take action! During this 30-minute session, you will perform a quick & effective warm-up, work all your major muscle groups, stimulate your core, and burn calories and fat. These sessions are customized to meet your needs, and you can also do it with a friend! And maybe you have a young athlete who you think could benefit from some one-on-one training. Thirty-minute sessions are extremely affordable. Call us today to find out pricing for these sessions . . . You can pay as you come or purchase a discounted 10-Pack of 30-Minute Sessions. No excuses. . . you can do it now!
Don’t forget to ask us about: !MPACT BIRTHDAY PARTIES (ages 7+): If you are looking for an awesome (AND different) way to celebrate your child’s birthday, WE have the answer. Click here to learn more about our birthday parties.
!MPACT APPAREL IS HERE! We have been offering a small selection of dri-fit shirts and t-shirts after we opened a little over a year ago, but we’re really excited about all the new !MPACT apparel at our “My Locker” website. Go to: Or: Our Locker Door # is fr996 Use discount code BT445 at checkout for a $9.00 discount (50% off one custom t-shirt)!!! Thanks for proudly wearing our apparel! Attention Jr. Raiders . . . check out the shirts and other apparel on our website that say “Jr. Raiders have what it takes!!!!” You can also get to !MPACT’s My Locker website from our !MPACT website. Just click on “STORE” from the top of our home page, and then click on “APPAREL”.
You might be looking for a particular service – so let me refer one! These are all business I (personally) use and would highly recommend! There are a few new ones – so be sure to take a look:
NEW!!! A Touch of Healing: Congratulations to my neighbor and friend, Meg Shelton (licensed massage therapist) who took a leap of faith to open her very own space for massage therapy. Meg will be open by appointment only starting November 15th, and she will also be a participating vendor at our Holiday Vendor Boutique on Nov. 13th selling massage gift certificates, as well as Young Living Essential Oils and Biofreeze topical analgesic. A Touch of Healing is located at 485 Amwell Road (Cornerstone Dental building). To reach Meg via email: [email protected] or call: 201-424-1409. Congrats Meg!
NORZ HILL FARM: Although I LOVE Norz Hill Farm in the summer when I am dying for their Jersey tomatoes and delicious corn, my absolute favorite time of the year to visit the farm is in the fall. Their fresh baked pies are awesome for Thanksgiving! You have got to try their steaks, burgers, ham, bacon and more! Visit their website for farm hours and activites/events . . . LOVE the owners (Debbie & Rich Norz) and LOVE that farm!
CIRCUS PLACE is introducing the Circus Sprouts Class for Kindergarteners. This is a special class for 4-6 year olds that teaches balance, coordination & fitness through circus arts. Come try tight wire, juggling, trapeze, acrobatics, beginner stilts and so much more. Classes Monday, Wednesday or Fridays from 10:00-11:00 am or 1:00-2:00 pm. Starts week of September 15th. Check out their website: or email me the owner at: [email protected] for more information!
COOKIE FUN by Maria: If you need beautiful, customized cookies for a special occasion, then you need to contact my friend, Maria Ryan. She is so ridiculously talented . . . her cookies looks so pretty you hate to eat them . . . but you should be cause they are buttery and delicious! She can design cookies for any occasion . . . birthday, baby shower, get-well, corporate events, anniversary, etc. Contact Maria at: [email protected]
GOTTA TRY THIS NEW RESTAURANT ON RT. 22 WITH DANNY ALFARO AS THEIR EXECUTIVE CHEF! Not sure if you came to the Grand Opening of !MPACT Training in March of 2012 . . . but Danny Alfaro, Executive Chef, was part of the grand opening festivities when he provided us with an educational cooking demonstration and shared a healthy meal with our guests. Danny is a good friend who was offered an amazing opportunity to create the menu and become the Executive Chef at Tequilla Joe’s Sports Cantina, the new restaurant that just opened (1271 US Rt. 22 West in Bridgewater). It has scrumptious American pub-style food with a Mexican/Latin fusion. Give it a try . . . you will LOVE IT! Congrats, Danny!
METRO EXHIBITS: This is !MPAPCT Training’s preferred partner for banners or trade show exhibits . . . We personally know the management and would highly recommend for banners for sports teams, fat heads of family, t-shirts or promo items all the way up to trade show exhibits. Top notch and extremely professional. They take all the guess work out of it for you! Or email: Brian Martin at: [email protected] and tell him Hillarie sent you!
CAbi Clothing: Kaya Townsend, of Hillsborough, NJ, can be your personal shopping expert! CAbi clothing is beloved by women of many ages and lifestyles. Whether you need classic staples or freshen-up fashion pieces, you’ll be sure to get flattering fit, quality fabrics and designer detailing. As your Independent CAbi Consultant, Kaya will help you get what you truly want because she doesn’t believe in clothes hanging in your closet with the tags still on! You can make a private or small group appointment with Kaya at her home, or host a party to get friends together and even receive great discounts on merchandise. Call Kaya today! Her CAbi clothing line recently graced the runway in the fashion show at the Bridgewater manor. Email: [email protected] or call: 908-507-1126
BRONZE AMBITION: Best spray tan I ever had . . . hands down! Rebecca Veronika not only knows how to apply an amazingly even and golden spray tan, but she is friendly and professional, and I would HIGHLY recommend her. I’ve gotten LOTS of spray tans over the years when I was competing in Fitness & Figure competitions. Those tans looked o.k. on stage, but when you got up close, they were streaky and very “orange”. Bronze Ambition will come to you! She comes fully equipped. To contact Rebecca: 732-580-2747
MAKE-UP ARTIST: The young lady who did my make-up for the Renaissance Fashion show at the Bridgewater Manor in May did an AMAZING job . . . contact Jaclyn Cuppari for your next fancy affair or event! Contact info: 201-919-2518 or email: [email protected]
PHOTOGRAPHER: One-Eyed Photo . . . Brian Cunningham did a beautiful job taking professional pictures at the Renaissance Runs the Runway Fashion Show on May 1st . . . call him for your next party or special event: 908-310-9376 or email: [email protected]
RENAISSANCE SALON: Renaissance Hair Salon & Spa (located in the strip mall on Rt. 26 – near Dunkin Donuts & Sal’s Cleaners – at the top of New Amwell Rd.). They offer a relaxing and welcoming environment that is both modern and chic. Their expertly trained stylists have a passion for what they do and make every decision with the guests needs in mind. They have combined exquisite and innovative services to create an experience like no other. Renaissance stylists are trained in the latest techniques in order to remain on the cutting edge of hair care and creativity. When creating a new look, their stylists pay close attention to detail, and great consideration is placed on adaptability and suitability. This allows us to personalize each look to the individual’s facial features, hair type, and lifestyle. They are confident you will find their team among the finest anywhere. Visit their website to view our full menu of services, including facials, microdermabrasion, waxing, and full salon services.
ARBONNE: Christine Murphy, a dedicated client at !MPACT Training just launched her own business with Arbonne! Arbonne is a highly regarded, premium brand with a Swiss heritage. Their skincare, cosmetic & nutritional products are healthy, safe, botanically-based and inspired by nature. The Arbonne experience starts with changing your skin, then it is about changing your life. If you are interested in purchasing products, hosting an event, or starting a business, contact her at: [email protected]
!MPACT MENU AT TENDER LOVIN GRILL (TLG): If any of you haven’t made your way into the restaurant that is located at the corner of Rt. 206 and Amwell Road, you are really missing out. Not only is the food delicious, but nothing is processed or frozen . . . everything on their menu is freshly made. So I met with the owners of TLG, Steve and Maribeth to talk about implementing an !MPACT Menu – which would be delicious foods that are also calorie-conscious. So if you live or work locally in Hillsborough, you can stop in to check out the !MPACT Menu and know you are staying on track with your weight-loss plan. We will keep copies of the !MPACT Menu at our front desk so our clients can pick up lunch or dinner on days when they just don’t have time to cook a healthy meal. And Steve & Maribeth will also have copies at their counter. They have awesome food . . . you have to stop in to see them! Lots of their regular menu items as well as their “Specials for the Week” are also super healthy and delicious.
BELLE MEAD PHYSICAL THERAPY: Are you dealing with ongoing pain? Did you recently experience an injury? Mark Nagel, Physical Therapist, would be happy to provide you with a FREE consultation so that you increase your range of motion and work towards being pain FREE! Belle Mead Physical Therapy is located at 476 Amwell Road (right near the high school) in Hillsborough (908) 281-6515.
REALTOR: Are you looking to buy a new home or sell your current home? You really need someone who understands what you want and isn’t going to waste your time. Melissa is not only professional to deal with, but understands that families are the most important thing and so is the home they live in. Call Melissa Martin of Weichert Realtors – cell: 908-656-4070 or email:[email protected]
MADCONNECTIONS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS -who provided a complete set-up of our new computers at !MPACT! Jaquim also helped me out last year when my home computer had some kind of a virus eating away at it — to the point where the screen went black. But because I still had power on this computer, Jaquim was able to salvage all my data and most of all, my MUSIC!! He cleaned it up and put my desktops stuff back in working order (i.e., Microsoft Office) — in addition to adding protection so this type of thing doesn’t happen again. MADCONNECTIONS is a professional, affordable and reliable computer repair company. Call them between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. at 907-768-6534 or email: [email protected]
STEPS TOGETHER: This is a local charity dedicated to inspiring our community to paying their blessings forward and supporting families facing a medical crisis. They are New Jersey based, and we feel honored to take part in helping them raise funds. We held our “Bootcamp for Billy” back in June and raised $1100 for a Hillsborough toddler named Billy Biviano who has an inoperable brain tumor. Then, just this month, we donated a fully-equipped school back-pack and Staples gift card for a Hillsborough high school student who lost his mom to cancer and then just lost his home to an electrical fire. !MPACT Training plans on getting more involved with Steps Together in the months to come. If you are looking for a great charity to get involved with, check out their website: Courtney and Mike Newman (founders of Steps Together) are wonderful people – dedicating their lives to helping others.
20% OFF if you mention this add!!!! A&B LANDSCAPING of Central NJ: 908-240-8784. They do everything from lawn maintenance (cutting, edging, weeding, seasonal work, etc) and they also do landscape design, patio pavers and MORE! Increase the value of your home by improving the appearance of your lawn, shrubs and landscaping!!! They can make your house look like something out of Better Homes and Gardens!! Call today!
DOCTOR: Looking for a doctor you can rely on? Take good care of your body, and go for regular check-ups and blood work . . . We can’t take good health for granted. Come and meet the wonderful doctors in this group, like Ernest J DeLaCruz, MD (Board Certified in Internal Medicine), Montgomery Internal Medicine Group, 719 Route 206, Suite 100, Hillsborough , NJ (908) 904-0920
ITALIAN CUISINE: Caffe Piazza – DINE-IN, PICK-UP OR CATERING AVAILABLE: In addition to fine Italian dining and catering, Caffe Piazza also offers an!MPACT Menu – which are scrumptious meals that are a lower in calorie and carbs. Just ask for this special menu if you are interested in lighter options. Caffe Piazza is located on Route 206 in Hillsborough (in the same strip mall with Stop-N-Shop). Let them cater your next affair! (908) 359-9494
VIDEO PRODUCTION: Kristyna Barbella – She has been doing all my video work, including our new Pay-it-Forward video! She is so creative and professional, and you will love your finished product. She also does web-design work. Check out her website:
NIELSEN FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC has recently partnered with Premier College Funding in order to bring a more in-depth service in the area of college planning to our clients. With ever-rising college costs, affordability is on the minds of most parents and college bound students today. Are you concerned about how you will pay for your child’s college education? We will show you strategies for how to get the best education for your child at the lowest possible cost. We help families of all income levels find schools that offer maximum financial aid, guide them through the financial aid process and develop a cost-effective plan to pay for college, without sacrificing retirement or life savings. Call today for a Free Consultation at 908-359-7886 or visit us online .
SIMPLY SWEETS: Owner, Lauren Warmke can prepare beautiful baked goodies for any occasion. Have one less thing to worry about for your next party, and contact Lauren at (908) 295-0435 or email her at: [email protected]
HILLSBOROUGH PODIATRY . . . Attention Hillsborough Residents – Marc Mizrachy is a fellow fitness enthusiast and also a well-recognized Podiatrist in town. They are open 6 days per week including Saturdays and three evenings. Hillsborough Podiatry Group — 719 Route 206, Suite 107, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 — (908)431-5901 –
WILLS: Do you presently have a will? It may sound like something you can put off, but wouldn’t you like to make sure your family is taken care of – just the way you want? Tiffany Moore, Esq. can help simplify the process so you can rest easy, knowing everything is outlined properly – and she’ll make sure you don’t forget anything or anyone. And we are not just talking about monetary issues – what about guardians for your children or your pets in the unfortunate event something happens to you? Everyone should have a will — Don’t put it off another day . . . Gain piece of mind: Call Tiffany @ (908) 797-3198 or email her @: [email protected]
Organic Farm in Hillsborough: Jon Knox and his wife, Kimberly, have started an organic farm at Duke Farms. Everything they grow is done following the USDA organic guidelines as part of their lease with Duke Farms and the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA-NJ). Please check out their website or the detailed article from the Hillsborough Patch. Both links are attached: and
WILDTREE: WE’RE MAKING COOKING QUICKER, EASIER, AND HEALTHIER ! From the appetizer to the dessert… Wildtree has it all. Breads, Muffins, Pancakes & Crepes – Culinary Blends – Soups, Dips, Bread Dippers & Salsas –Dressings, Marinades, Glazes & Sauces – All 100% Natural — No Artificial Additives, Preservatives, MSG, or Food Dyes –Made in a Peanut-Free Facility. Offering In-Home Tasting Events If extra $$ each month would help your family, please contact me to learn more! Betsy Toland (908) 369-4698 [email protected]
Quilter’s Obsession: Owner, Deborah Kalenty, is a talented artist who I met when I was speaking at Woodfern Elementary’s Career Day (for their 4thgraders). I spoke about being a fitness trainer and opening my own business, and Deborah showed us these amazing quilts she makes and sells through her on-line store. She also sells kits so you can make a beautiful quilt and get all the items you need in one package. And she also sells material so you can purchase to design your own quilt. These make amazing gifts – whether someone is having a baby or you just want to customize your child’s bedroom with something cool! Contact Deb at: 908-369-4450 or email her at: [email protected]
CATERING SERVICES & PRIVATE HOME COOKING DEMONSTRATIONS – JDA Catering: J. Daniel Alfaro – Executive Chef: Do you need a caterer for a special event? Or maybe would you enjoy an elegant home cooking demonstration with friends? Maybe you you’d like to plan a romantic anniversary dinner for two cooked at your own home by a professional chef? If you need anything like this, look no further . . . Chef Danny is a sophisticated, executive chef who will turn an ordinary event into something spectacular. Danny catered our Grand Opening Party and even the breakfast table looked chic with beautiful yogurt parfaits in champagne flutes. You can see some of the pictures of his food displays by going to our home page – click on MEDIA then click on PHOTOS. You can e-mail Danny @: [email protected] or call him: (708) 426-8526
UPPERCASE LIVING: Betsy Toland If you love all the inspirational quotes and pictures on the walls at !MPACT, contact Betsy. Uppercase Living brings the incredible expressiveness of words into homes, transforming them into more wonderful places to live. Not only does Betsy provide a professional installation, but she also makes great suggestions with regards to colors and size. These make beautiful accents for your home! Wanna have an Uppercase Living Party at your home to get discounts on your own purchases, drop Betsy an email: [email protected]
INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RENOVATION & BUILDER CO.: Pro Builders Plus, Hillsborough – Walt handles everything from roofing and siding, to interior renovations, and additions, etc. – quality work at competitive prices: Walt has done work for everyone in my neighborhood! References available: Call Walt at 908-369-7562 (references are available!).
FRANKLIN MEDICAL GROUP: Dr. Steven DelMaestro (MD, Internal Medicine) of Hillsborough, NJ was approached to head up Franklin Medical Group – a new medical practice affiliated with Somerset Medical Hospital. Before taking on this new venture, Dr. DelMaestro had his own practice for 22 years, operating out of his offices in New Brunswick and North Brunswick (NJ). So . . . when is the last time you had a complete physical? Your health is so important – and so is finding a doctor who cares and actually takes the time to get to know you and your health history. Maybe you are presently getting medical care from a practice that is so huge – with so many different doctors that you feel it lacks that personal touch. Make your health a priority: 908-685-2526 (located @ Franklin Commons, 454 Elizabeth Avenue, Suite 210, Somerset, New Jersey).
SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY: This is a great place to go for any type of physical rehab – and boy, are did a great job on my lower-back pain! They handle everything from ligament sprains to arthritic pain. I have always had a strong core and lower back, but I guess my age (47), my strenuous training routine/6 days per week, and the long hours I spend on my feet every day as a trainer can often take a toll on my lower back. Every now and again, it just tightens up and I am in a lot of pain. I heavily rely on the physical therapists at Sports Physical Therapy to get me mobile and pain free again! They have multiple locations, and one of the partners, Jeff Erickson, is a neighbor of mine – great guy! Can’t say enough about what an awesome facility this is! Hillsborough location: 908-359-8800, Princeton (609) 419-0455, Somerset (732) 565-5455, Flemington (908) 806-2000.
HILLSBOROUGH VACUUM: OK –Let’s do some FALL CLEANING. Call Hillsborough Vacuum to help! Besides selling vacuum cleaners and central systems, and servicing & repairing vacuums, did you know that they have an array of services including carpet cleaning, tile & grout cleaning, hardwood restoring, and more?! They are a local and trusted company for over 10 years! Please check out their informative website.
ORIGAMI OWL – Every locket tells a story, what’s yours? Origami Owl Living Lockets are customized by choosing charms that tell the story of your life! Shoppers can personalize their lockets making our jewelry line unique! Pick your charms, pick your locket, add a decorative plate or custom chain and you’re done! Contact Betsy Toland via email at [email protected] or shop online at: Host a Jewelry Bar at your home with friends & family and earn your locket for free!! Order early for the holidays, as these lockets are extremely popular.
PLUMBER: J. Johnson Plumbing & Heating, LLC. Licensed and Insured (great guy – very reasonable – and reliable). Call “J” at 908-874-6619
Check out this great website to see what’g going on for kids in the area!: This website lists all upcoming events and happenings for kids in our communities throughout New Jersey. Log on to see the fun local happenings.
PODIATRIST: Dr. Brandon Zuklie, LLC – Podiatrist: Treats any and all issues of the foot and ankle, from warts to stress fractures and all other athletic injuries. Treats children as well as adults, and accepts most insurance plans. Address:1161 202N Branchburg (in the same strip mall near Phil’s Pizza and Texas Liquor — by Imclone and Chubb). Other offices in Piscataway and Monroe, NJ – for more info:
In Motion Meals: Fitness by Hillarie & !MPACT Training supports and promotes “In Motion Meals”!! Whether you are an elite athlete who needs quality calories or someone who is simply trying to reach your fitness and weight-loss goals, then In Motion Meals is for you. Some of you have such a hectic schedule with your career or with your family (carpooling to a variety of sporting and social events for your kids), and you might be struggling each week to make healthy meals that can help you reach your fitness goals. I try to do a fair amount of cooking on a Sundays so I have leftovers to use for dinners during the week or for lunches during the week. But even that can be hard if you have a busy calendar on the weekends. In Motion Meals is a New Jersey based company that makes delicious (calorie conscious) meals that are balanced with proteins and carbs and made fresh (with no preservatives)– and then they use a special flash freezing process so these meals can be delivered to your door All the calories have been counted for you and are listed on the menu. All the proteins and carbs have been balanced for you – and the meals are home-cooked meals that are convenient and will help you stay on track with your diet plan. If you want to learn more about this great service, just log onto their website: If you decide to order some meals, please let them know that Fitness by Hillarie sent you. On the order page, just enter fitnessbyhill and you will receive a special discount. You must hit the validate button under the referral code box for the pricing to change.
The holiday season is fast approaching . . . We can still work during the month of November and December so that we are in great shape for the holidays. Nobody wants to start out in January with an overwhelming goal to lose weight. So if you are not feeling your best right now, we still have time to get you feeling and looking great! Let’s not forget that it is important to meal-plan and exercise regularly. It won’t happen unless you “schedule” the time on your calendar. Maybe you need to get up earlier – maybe you can squeeze it in the evening. If you need help figuring that out, give me a call – happy to help you outline your goals and reach them! 908-428-7978.