DON’T MISS IT . . . IT’S NEXT WEEK! !MPACT Training’s 6th Annual Charity/Holiday Vendor Boutique . . . Thursday, November 2nd, from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Start your holiday shopping early while enjoying some hors d’oeuvres, desserts and holiday punch — and enjoy a nice evening out! We will have amazing vendors with items such as: jewelry, scarves & accessories, handbags, home-made Jams by Kim, hand-made marble pens, pencils and other marble and wooden gifts, make-up & perfume, candles & scented sprays, crystal jewelry, children’s books, wine-themed crafts, Lularoe clothing, jewelry made from semi-precious stones, dessert trays, pies from Norz Hill Farm (orders for Thanksgiving) and more! Here’s how it works for vendors — Vendors rent space from us, they bring their own tables to sell their goods, crafts or services — and ALL $$$$ !MPACT receives from space/rentals is donated to Steps Together – our favorite charity helping local families in medical crisis. We only have a handful of spaces left for vendors so if you are interested in reserving a space (single or double), please call Michael: 908-403-7620.
NOVEMBER WEIGHT-LOSS CHALLENGE: This will be a great way to stay accountable through Thanksgiving! Whoever loses the highest percentage of body weight during the length of the contest will not only win a FREE month of Unlimited Trainings, but they will also receive a gift certificate – Dinner for Two at Caffe Piazza – and amazing Italian restaurant in town owned by our good friend Antonio Ruffa. This dinner and a bottle of wine will our winner’s reward! And we plan to do another contest in December to keep everyone on track during the holidays – and prevent that 10 pound weight gain during the holiday season. Weigh-ins for the November Challenge are on October 30th or 31st – so interested participants need to arrange their weigh-in with one of our trainers. We need a minimum of 8-10 participants to get this contest rolling! So who wants IN? There is no cost to participate, as long as you are training with us! To set up your weigh-in, call Michael 908-403-7605.
FREE BLOOD-PRESSURE SCREENINGS FOR ALL OUR CLIENTS: Staying on top of our health is super important. So as much as we want to look our best, it is critical we focus on our inner health too. When I operated Fitness by Hillarie out of my home-gym, there were a few instances where I had to refer a new client to see their doctor before I could start working with them. These were people who “thought” they were healthy, but when I took their blood pressure, it was way out of the normal range – so checking with their physician prior to exercising is always the first step. Do you want to learn a little bit about blood pressure? Systolic blood pressure (the upper number) — indicates how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls when the heart beats. Diastolic blood pressure (the lower number) — indicates how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls while the heart is resting between beats. A healthy blood pressure would be 120/80 . . . and when your blood pressure is above that range, you have pre-hypertension or Type 1 hypertension . . . and this puts you at risk for serious health conditions like stroke and heart disease. And leading a healthy lifestyle with a clean diet and exercise is definitely a step in the right direction – as long as you are cleared to do so. Just let one of our staff members know if you would like a FREE blood pressure screening done, and it is always more accurate to test your blood pressure when you are at rest, not when you just got done with a rigorous workout. We are passionate about health and fitness, and awareness is key.
FREE POST-TURKEY DAY BOOTCAMP! On Black Friday, Nov. 24th, we will be hosting our annual FREE Post-Turkey Day Multi-Level Bootcamp at 8:30 a.m. Adults and teens (ages 15+) are welcome to attend – and you do NOT have to be a registered client at !MPACT. This will be a great way to burn off some of those treats you had on Thanksgiving! If you are new to !MPACT, just arrive a few minutes early to fill out a short registration/waiver form. Gonna be an awesome workout, and we offer variations to all the exercises, so nobody needs to feel intimidated!
SOME CHANGES TO OUR NOVEMBER GROUP TRAINING CALENDAR: CLICK HERE TO VIEW OUR NOVEMBER GROUP TRAINING CALENDAR (for adults, teens and kids). Remember, at !MPACT Training, we are NOT a gym . . .we are a training facility that offers personal training, multi-level bootcamps, semi-private training, elite athlete training, weight training sessions, nutrition and weight-loss programs, nutritional cleansing and more! AND what separates us from big-box gyms? You are ALWAYS led by a personal trainer – every single session! We help you set your goals AND reach them! #LetsGo #IMPACT 
KIDS TRAINING IS BACK ON SATURDAYS at 10:00 a.m. in NOVEMBER!: This program is always a hit for ages 7-12 . . . During this 45-minute workout, we focus on speed, agility, strength & conditioning through our athlete bootcamp using fun equipment like ladders, hurdles, rebounder, medicine balls, slide boards, plyo-boxes, and more! If you have a 12 year old that you would like us to evaluate, we would be happy to see if their athletic abilities would be better utilized in our Elite Athlete Program for kids 13+. Drop-ins are only $15, or the discounted rate for the month (4 sessions) is $55.
FAMILY FITNESS NIGHT IS BACK! This is a night of fitness and fun for you and your family (parents and children ages 5+). In November Family Fitness Night will be held on Friday, November 10th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. Parents train on one side of the facility while kids train on the other. Parents and kids then join together for dodgeball (parents vs. kids?? LOL) and then we cool down with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Maybe you are looking for something different to do with your family on a Friday night. If you think about how much money you might spend at a local chain restaurant on a Friday or Saturday night (at least $75-$150 – depending on the size of your family), or at the movies with the cost of tickets, popcorn/snacks and drinks, you will be delighted to spend a lot less at !MPACT Training for an hour and a half of fun . . . and the benefits are immeasurable! CLICK HERE to view the FAMILY FITNESS NIGHT flyer FOR FURTHER DETAILS AND PRICING or call Michael to reserve your place with a credit card 908-403-7605.
“NEW” SEMI-PRIVATE TRAINING AT !MPACT: We are now offering scheduled SEMI-PRIVATE TRAINING AT !MPACT: This means there is a maximum of 5 participants in each session. These sessions add a more personal touch with the guarantee of a very small group of participants along with a Certified Personal Trainer to help you reach your fitness goals. You do not need to be a registered client at !MPACT to sign up for these semi-private sessions. Pricing for these sessions vary slightly based on the type of training, so give us a call if you want more info and pricing: Our new SLIM & Slender Semi-Private Session starts on Wednesday’s in November –And we will be ADDING another SLIM & Slender Semi-Private session on Mondays at 5:30 p.m. in December. So please call Michael with your credit card info if you would like to reserve your place on Monday’s at 5:30 p.m. in December — AND we have more semi-private sessions (like TRX/Kettlebell Training and PT Fitness) coming in December and January. Please call Michael if you are interested in these Semi-Private Sessions: 908-403-7605
SLIM & Slender – Description of Training: This is a non-aerobic semi-private training session for ladies, dedicated to developing long, lean muscles through moderate to slow movements. The session will be a great combination of Pilates-type exercises and floor work designed to stretch, strengthen and lengthen your muscles – with additional focus on flexibility and all-over muscle tone. This session is for beginners, intermediate or advanced fitness enthusiasts, as everyone works at their own pace based on their abilities. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED AND PAYMENT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO TRAINING TO RESERVE YOUR PLACE. THESE SESSIONS FILL UP QUICKLY SO PLEASE CALL IF YOU WANT “IN”:
Monday’s at 5:30 p.m. (starting December 4th)
Wednesday’s at 4:00 p.m. (starting November 1st)
OPEN SELECT SUNDAYS FOR BLACKBOARD WORKOUTS & OPEN GYM! Description of Training: Our Certified Personal Trainers will post the workout for the day on our wall-size blackboard so you have the option of following the posted workout or getting your own workout done. The music will be cranking, and ALL participants must complete their workout between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. on the Sunday’s designated by management. We’re doing our best to accommodate our clients who are working hard to get FIT with more hours in our facility! This is FREE for anyone who is presently training with us. Drop-in rates for those who are not presently training with us is only $10. For November dates, please contact Michael (908) 403-7605.
NUTRITION ARTICLE: By Hillarie Scannelli
INTERMITTANT FASTING . . . Does that work to burn fat and lose weight?
ABSOLUTELY! Let me explain how it works. Our bodies are like human calculators – adding up calories as they come in. The body LOVES to store bodyfat as a survival mechanism – so when you intake 3500 calories, it equals one pound. That certainly explains why it is so easy to put on a few pounds while on vacation! So if you are following a sound nutritional plan in an effort to lose weight, a good ballpark for your daily calories would be 1400-1600 calories for a woman and 1600-1800 calories for a man (again, those are estimates). You can also use the method of calculating your daily calories based on your present weight . . . So if you weighted 170 pounds and wanted to lose weight, you would be on a diet consisting of 1700 calories while incorporating exercise. If you weighed 240 pounds, you would be on a diet consisting of 2400 calories – but for optimal results, I always suggest a little lower like 1800-2000 calories – while adding exercise. And as you lose weight, you lower the calories accordingly. In addition to watching your calories and eating balanced meals, throwing in a day or two of intermittent fasting is also a great way to torch up the metabolism. There are a few ways to do that. One way is with clean foods and fasting periods . . . You would go for 18 hours with nothing but water, and that is easy to do if you start counting the hours after you finish dinner on any given evening. So if you finished dinner by 6:00 p.m., you would start counting your fasting period an hour later (7:00 p.m.) — and you would reach 12 hours by 7:00 a.m. the next morning. You would simply drink water until 1:00 p.m. (18 hours of fasting). At that time, you would have a balanced meal – nothing too high in calorie (about 400-500 clean calories – like 4-6 ounces of grilled chicken, a ½ cup of brown rice or quinoa, and a cup of cooked broccoli cooked with a Tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil). This meal has a nice balance of proteins, carbs, fiber and healthy fats. And you would be sure to have something low in calories as a mid-afternoon snack (like raw veggies, a piece of fruit, a hard-boiled egg, or a handful of nuts) and then a light dinner. That is ONE way of using intermittent fasting to lose weight. Another way is to do actual “cleanse days” where you fast for 12 hours (say from 7:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m.) – and then the next morning, you would take cleansing supplements every hour as directed to regulate blood sugar levels and prevent muscle breakdown while you are fasting throughout the day. You would complete two consecutive cleanse days. This process cleanses your blood, as well as all your major organs — and helps to reduce visceral fat (fat that is in our abdomen/belly). If you are looking to get healthier, leaner and fit – and you want to learn more about intermittent fasting, just drop me an email with your contact info, and I will give you a call. This could be the change-up your body needs so that you start burning fat and resetting your metabolism. Email me at: [email protected]
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: We already have the date from Renaissance Salon! The annual “Renaissance Runs the Runway” fashion show to benefit Steps Together (local charity supporting families in financial/medical crisis) – will be on Friday, April 20th, 2018. It will be held again at the elegant Bridgewater Manor. The best part about this event is that there are so many amazing things going on . . . Cocktail hour with hors d’oeuvres, basket auction and door prizes, dinner, fashion show, DJ & dancing. It doesn’t get much better than this! We will let you know when tickets go on sale, as we will have some at !MPACT Training to sell. #renaissancerunstherunway
CONGRATS TO MY HIGH SCHOOL FRIEND, PATTY DIGERONIMO – DOWN 15 POUNDS! Patty lost 15 pounds from mid-September through Mid-October. Patty and I reconnected on facebook, and I was so happy when she asked if I could coach her through a 30-Day Nutritional Cleanse. I’m thrilled with her results – and even happier she is going for a second round and doing another 30 days to lose another 15. She will be looking her best this holiday season! CONGRATS Patty!
CONGRATS TO RICH PRINCIOTTA WHO WAS DOWN 15 POUNDS IN THE FIRST TWO WEEKS! Rich is a friend of ours who wanted to shed a few pounds to get him in even better shape for an upcoming Spartan Race. Such a pleasure to coach, Rich thru a 30-day nutritional cleanse – so compliant!!! Congrats on your success so far . . . can’t wait to see your end results in 30 days. You are gonna rock that Spartan course!
KENYA DOWN 450 POUNDS . . . WHAT????? This gal on my nutritional cleansing team is truly amazing (SEE HER BEFORE AND AFTER PHOTOS – ABOVE!). Her experience has been life changing . . . 450 pounds gone … Can you even begin to imagine how she must feel to remove this stress from her body??? It’s not simply the aesthetic … Kenya has always been beautiful. Consider what that does to the body — joints and organs are overtaxed, and they can give out earlier than they should. I am sure this health improvement has added years to her life! She’ll be able to enjoy life in a way she never could have before. Congrats Kenya on staying on this program consistently until you reached your goal! I’m so incredibly honored to be a part of the same company that has given you the tools to change your life! Thank you for sharing your photos with us!
THINKING ABOUT DOING THE 30-DAY NUTRITIONAL CLEANSE? This program is for any man or woman who is interested in decreasing bodyfat/losing weight, improving energy levels, increasing lean muscle and improving overall balance and health! I would love to hear about your goals to see if this program would be a good fit for you. Call me so we can set up a free 15-minute phone consult. Thirty days can change your life! And this program works FAST, which is a great way to stay motivated throughout the program – and even into the Maintenance Phase. I would be happy to provide complimentary coaching for this program so you are sure to succeed! And you do not have to be an !MPACT client to get in on this one . . . Come one . . . Come all! The before and after photos (FEATURED IN OUR NEWSLETTER EVERY MONTH) are amazing! And you can take the weight off and KEEP it off! Call Hillarie (908) 403-7620.
!MPACT OFFERS ½ HOUR PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS: Some people are pressed for time, others juggling finances . . . but one thing for sure, many of you are making fitness a priority. You now have the option to come for a full, 55-minute personal training session — OR come for a 30-minute personal training session! These are great for athletes too! Call us for more info: 908-403-7605 or email: [email protected]
DID YOU KNOW WE HAVE A REFERRAL PROGRAM – JUST BRING A FRIEND AND SAVE!: If you are already a client at !MPACT and bring a friend, this could save you big money! It’s our way of saying THANKS for bringing us more people like YOU!! People who are caring and genuine . . . who want to get healthier and FIT! Email Mike if you’d like to bring someone in for a free trial: [email protected]
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A NEW JOB? ONE WHERE YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN HOURS AND BE YOUR OWN BOSS? I’m looking for a handful of folks to join my team. This is going to be the most motivating job you have ever had. The personal development you will receive, in addition to making a great income is very much worth your consideration. First, you need to find products that you absolutely LOVE and use yourself – so that you can be passionate about what you are doing. Next, you have to outline your WHY . . . Why you want to make an extra income – whether it be to remodel your bathroom, take a family vacation or to put towards a college education. Once you’ve established your WHY, we can get you going so you SUCCEED! Please contact me if you want to find out more about Nutritional Cleansing or how to become part of MY TEAM of nutritional cleansing coaches. My team of coaches consists of regular people – just like you . . . Office Administrators, Teachers, Event Planners, Accountants, Fitness Instructors, and even Window Salesmen . . . all who are living the life they deserve – and it all started with putting the right nutrition into their bodies! Training is provided so each coach is set to succeed! Email me if you want to join my team . . . you won’t regret it: [email protected]
NEED TO PREPARE FOR YOUR SPORT OF CHOICE? NO BETTER WAY TO DO SO THAN TO UTILIZE OUR ELITE ATHLETE TRAINING PROGRAM (ages 13-18) OR PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS TO PREPARE FOR IT! If you are an elite athlete (or a parent of one), and you have the desire to improve your speed, agility, strength, power, quickness, or confidence, please call us . . . Please check out our NOVEMBER Group Training Calendar – and in addition to our group sessions, we also offer one-on-one training private training, partner training (2 people) and semi-private training (a handful of their friends or team-mates). We can help them address their weaknesses so they are ready for their next season. Call us at 908-428-7978 or email: [email protected]
Did you know we offer a special discounted rate for POLICE OFFICERS, EMS WORKERS AND FIREFIGHTERS?: YES, we do! Whether you are a Hillsborough police officer, firefighter/EMS or work in a neighboring town, your discount applies. This is just another way for us to thank you for what you do for our community. You can have Unlimited Training for only $99 per month – which is our student rate, and you can come as often as you like – ALWAYS guided by one of our Personal Trainers who prepare ALL your workouts for you! Come and let us help you set some fitness goals AND reach them! Email Michael if you would like more info about how to get started: [email protected]
NOTE FROM HILLARIE – Month of November: Let’s focus people!! Keep our eye on the prize . . . looking AND FEELING better. Who couldn’t use better energy levels? Who couldn’t use to decrease a little bodyfat? Who wants to look and feel their best? Well maybe we need to re-focus, as our lives can be so hectic in the fall as we head into the holiday season. Can’t believe I am saying that . . . HOLDIAY SEASON!!! But it’s true. So eating cleaner and making time to exercise can be even more of a challenge. Does that mean we give up? Or does it mean we give it our ALL to be diligent throughout the week – saving the cheats for when we are actually at one of the events or parties where we will be exposed to more food and spirits? So don’t skip breakfast – even if it means having a quick and nutritious meal-replacement shake before heading out the door in the morning. Pack healthy, clean snacks for the day (like a hard-boiled egg, an apple, some raw sliced veggies or a handful of nuts in a ziplock baggie). And BRING YOUR LUNCH to take to work or MAKE YOUR LUNCH if you are home during the day. Think of clean, lean proteins like chicken, turkey or fish, and compliment that with a serving of cooked veggies or a big salad with raw veggies. THINK NUTRITION, THINK FIBER, THINK CLEAN! And don’t forget to eat your calories – don’t drink them. Stick with green tea or bottled or filtered water throughout the day. And if you have a nice night out with fun foods, get up the next morning and squeeze in a 30 minute workout, if that is all you have time for. Gotta move more and eat less if we want our bodies to change. You can totally do this. Remember, the only way to fail is to quit. We will have no quitters here. You CAN do this! If you ever feel like you need a quick conversation or phone call to help you set some goals, just give me a call 908-428-7978 –Hillarie
These are all businesses we have used and would highly recommend . . . everything from financial planning — to decorative cookie platters for a special occasion — to real estate — to plumbing – to acupuncture! We’ve got it all! I always prefer to use a business that I was referred to – word of mouth is the best form of advertisement. And I love supporting other local small businesses since we are also one!
The Preferred Client Group, LLC. Jamie Moore is a great client of ours, and he is on this team of financial professionals that act as Your Personal Financial Concierge, helping you make efficient business and personal economic decisions. We will become the single source to facilitate your comprehensive financial affairs. They provide a comprehensive educational process that includes the strategies, solutions, and resources necessary to make wise financial decisions. Through our holistic planning process, they will efficiently and cost effectively help build and protect your wealth. Their team of financial professionals can help you address: Investing principles and strategies, Retirement investing and distribution strategies, Estate conservation issues, Risk management. FOR MORE INFO OR A CONSULTATION, CONTACT JAMIE @: 908-272-3722
MB HOME IMPROVEMENTS (Mauricio Barajas) is an independent contractor founded by Mauricio Barajas. They handle all renovations and remodels . . . kitchen, bathroom, basements, and more! They also provide painting and custom woodwork services. I’ve seen some of his before and after photos of their jobs, and they are outstanding. They are also professional and reliable. You can reach Mauricio at 908-500-0148
SCRAP U & ARTISTRY TOO HAS A NEW STUDIO! – Located At: 2 Clerico Lane, Suite 201, Hillsborough. Tina Rear, Founder/Owner, started this business and did it out of her home. We wish her luck as she branches out in a new place! Our new craft studio features two classrooms! Perfect for birthday parties, special events & more! We have a brand new line up of events for children & adults coming for 2017! Who is Scrap U & Artistry Too and what do we do? We Are A Full Service Crafting Studio! – Kids & adults can attend one of our pre-set classes at our studio OR create your own class/workshop with a few friends in our studio or have we come to you! We provide full/half day camps during school closings; create centerpieces & decorations for ALL your special celebrations; tween room makeovers; create custom mixed media/scrapbook albums and personalize special gifts for all occasions. Contact Tina at: [email protected]
TAYLOR’S CREATIONS: Taylor Wyatt is a senior at Hillsborough High School, and she makes the most amazing custom concrete garden art. Taylor was one of the vendors at !MPACT Training’s recent holiday boutique, and I was blown away with her talent and professionalism. If you would like to see some of her work or consult with her about creating the perfect art for your garden, please contact her at: [email protected]
A Source for Wellness – Acupuncture: (908) 392-3468 — Michael Gonzales, is located at 67 Mountain Blvd., Warren, NJ. Michael sees himself as a partner in a person’s healing journey, assisting them in taking responsibility for their health through acupuncture and wellness. And I had the pleasure of getting a complimentary acupuncture session to relieve stress . . . It was amazing! Such an interesting way to treat patients for a variety of reasons, and it has been around for centuries!
ALL ABOUT ME DESIGNS — Custom T-Shirts & Apparel (908) 2928992 – email: [email protected]: The gals who started this company are absolutely amazing . . . Cindy Caramico and Amy Smith came in to !MPACT Training to bring their kids for personal training – and we found out they are working moms who also started a part-time business making gorgeous customized t-shirts. We had them make several for !MPACT and we really LOVE them! They have many different types of shirts (t-shirts, muscle tanks, sweatshirts/hoodies – for both ladies and men). So if you need a special t-shirt made for yourself, for your family reunion, for a team sport, or any other event, these gals are the people to see . . . I had !MPACT ones made with a glitter font!! YAHOO!
DRX DUCT CLEANING: Call George: (908) 755-2950 . . . THANK YOU to George Ghanime, owner of DRX Duct Cleaning, who learned that the Koll family was in need of having their air-ducts and AC/heating vents cleaned so they could bring their son, Chris Koll home from the hospital. Since Chris is undergoing chemotherapy, it is essential they do all they can to help his compromised immune system, so cleaning out all the duct work was first on the list to reduce the chances of mold, etc. I told George about the Koll family, and he immediately reached out to them to provide them with service, and he picked up the tab. George knew that Chris is one of the Steps Together beneficiaries, and he wanted to give back. Thank you so much, George! Visit their website:
PURE POWER, Electrical Services, LLC: For all your electrical services, reach out to owner and licensed electrician, Richard Dietrich 908-829-4252 – email: [email protected]
ACTIVCORE — ONE-ON-ONE PHYSICAL THERAPY — CONTINUUM HEALTH CLINICS: Adrienne Jensen and Activcore offer physical therapy services that are one-on-one for the entire session utilizing suspension equipment (Redcord) to maximize treatment times in a pain-free environment so people can achieve their goals faster. They assess the whole person from head to toe to find out the cause and not just treat the pain. Adrienne also offers golf-specific assessments! 908-625-625-9688 They are located not far off Route 206 — just down the road in Princeton (800 Bunn Drive, Princeton, NJ) . . . AMAZING facility!
NORZ HILL FARM: I LOVE Norz Hill Farm in the summer when I am dying for their Jersey tomatoes, fresh produce — delicious corn, and look so forward to pumpkin picking in the fall. And their fresh baked pies are amazing! Now you have got to try their meats: steaks, burgers, ham, bacon and more! Visit their website for farm hours and activites/events . . . LOVE the owners (Debbie & Rich Norz) and LOVE that farm!
MAILBOXES BUSINESS CENTER: Our favorite place in town for all of our copy and stationary needs. Matt Schorr, owner of Mailboxes Business Center is also a great guy . . . always giving back to the community. Stop in to see Matt and his staff at Mailboxes business Center — for everything from copies, to mailing packages — to making business cards. Matt does it all: 908-874-6200 (located in the Shop-Rite shopping center on Rt. 206 in Hillsborough).
FARLEY LAWN SERVICES: Marshall Farley, owner/proprietor, is also one of the amazing firefighters from the Flagtown Fire & Rescue that trained with us. Farley Lawn Services (residential & commercial) offers lawn maintenance (spring/fall), tree pruning & removal, pavers, retaining walls, mulch & stone. 908-872-2451. Quality, dependable serving!
INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RENOVATION & BUILDER CO.: Pro Builders Plus, Hillsborough – Walt Wengryn handles everything from roofing and siding, to interior renovations, and additions, etc. – He and his teams provide quality work at competitive prices: Walt has done work for everyone in my neighborhood! Call Walt at 908-369-7562 (references are available!).
Check out this great website to see what’g going on for kids in the area!: This website lists all upcoming events and happenings for kids in our communities throughout New Jersey. Log on to see the fun local happenings.
PODIATRIST: Dr. Brandon Zuklie, LLC –: Treats any and all issues of the foot and ankle, from warts to stress fractures and all other athletic injuries. Treats children as well as adults, and accepts most insurance plans. Address:1161 202N Branchburg (in the same strip mall near Phil’s Pizza and Texas Liquor — by Imclone and Chubb). Other offices in Piscataway and Monroe, NJ – for moreinfo:
REVIVAL BARBER SHOP!: Congrats to Jen Korab – owner of Renaissance Hair Salon, as they expanded and opened another shop last year called Revival! This BARBER SHOP specializes in men’s haircuts and hot shaves, and will be located in the same strip mall as Renaissance Salon (411 Route 206 in Hillsborough – New Amwell is the cross street). They are amazing and do some fun/trendy razor cuts too!
RODAN & FIELDS Dermatology: “You exercise to improve/maintain your body. Why not use awesome skincare to improve/maintain your skin too!” One of our clients, Colleen Schwarz, is so excited to launch her new business as an independent skincare consultant with Rodan and Fields Dermatologists (of ProActive fame). Rodan and Fields has all skin types covered. Please feel free to call Colleen at 908 392 3144 or email her at [email protected] to chat about what products would be best for you.
CIRCUS PLACE in Hillsborough has LOTS of new classes on their calendar! Something fun and different to do for your kids or YOU! Check out their website: or email me the owner at: [email protected] for more information!
SWEET PERFECTION by Maria: If you need beautiful, customized cookies (as well as cupcakes and other special treats) for a special occasion, then you need to contact my friend, Maria Ryan. She is so ridiculously talented . . . her cookies looks so pretty you hate to eat them . . . but you should be cause they are buttery and delicious! She can design cookies for any occasion . . . birthday, baby shower, get-well, corporate events, anniversary, etc. Contact Maria at: [email protected]
BRONZE AMBITION: Best spray tan I ever had . . . hands down! Rebecca Veronika not only knows how to apply an amazingly even and golden spray tan, but she is friendly and professional, and I would HIGHLY recommend her. I’ve gotten LOTS of spray tans over the years when I was competing in Fitness & Figure competitions. Those tans looked o.k. on stage, but when you got up close, they were streaky and very “orange”. Bronze Ambition will come to you! She comes fully equipped. To contact Rebecca: 732-580-2747
RENAISSANCE SALON: Renaissance Hair Salon & Spa (located in the strip mall on Rt. 26 – near Dunkin Donuts & Sal’s Cleaners – at the top of New Amwell Rd.). They offer a relaxing and welcoming environment that is both modern and chic. Their expertly trained stylists have a passion for what they do and make every decision with the guests needs in mind. They have combined exquisite and innovative services to create an experience like no other. Renaissance stylists are trained in the latest techniques in order to remain on the cutting edge of hair care and creativity. When creating a new look, their stylists pay close attention to detail, and great consideration is placed on adaptability and suitability. This allows us to personalize each look to the individual’s facial features, hair type, and lifestyle. They are confident you will find their team among the finest anywhere. Visit their website to view our full menu of services, including facials, microdermabrasion, waxing, and full salon services.
RWJ SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY: This is a great place to go for any type of physical rehab – and boy, are did a great job on my lower-back pain! They handle everything from ligament sprains to arthritic pain. I have always had a strong core and lower back, but I guess my age (47), my strenuous training routine/6 days per week, and the long hours I spend on my feet every day as a trainer can often take a toll on my lower back. Every now and again, it just tightens up and I am in a lot of pain. I heavily rely on the physical therapists at Sports Physical Therapy to get me mobile and pain free again! They have multiple locations, and one of the partners, Jeff Erickson, is a neighbor of mine – great guy! Can’t say enough about what an awesome facility this is! Hillsborough location: 908-359-8800, Princeton (609) 419-0455, Somerset (732) 565-5455, Flemington (908) 806-2000.
ARBONNE: Christine Murphy, a dedicated client at !MPACT Training just launched her own business with Arbonne! Arbonne is a highly regarded, premium brand with a Swiss heritage. Their skincare, cosmetic & nutritional products are healthy, safe, botanically-based and inspired by nature. The Arbonne experience starts with changing your skin, then it is about changing your life. If you are interested in purchasing products, hosting an event, or starting a business, contact her at: [email protected]
TENDER LOVIN GRILL (TLG): If any of you haven’t made your way into the restaurant that is located at the corner of Rt. 206 and Amwell Road, you are really missing out. Not only is the food delicious, but nothing is processed or frozen . . . everything on their menu is freshly made. So I met with the owners of TLG, Steve and Maribeth to talk about implementing an !MPACT Menu – which would be delicious foods that are also calorie-conscious. So if you live or work locally in Hillsborough, you can stop in to check out their specials . . . their regular menu and their !MPACT Menu so you know you are staying on track with your weight-loss plan. We will keep copies of the !MPACT Menu at our front desk so our clients can pick up lunch or dinner on days when they just don’t have time to cook a healthy meal. And Steve & Maribeth will also have copies at their counter. They have awesome food . . . you have to stop in to see them! Lots of their regular menu items as well as their “Specials for the Week” are also super healthy and delicious.
BELLE MEAD PHYSICAL THERAPY: Another GREAT physical therapy facility in town . . . Are you dealing with ongoing pain? Did you recently experience an injury? Mark Nagel, Physical Therapist, would be happy to provide you with a FREE consultation so that you increase your range of motion and work towards being pain FREE! Belle Mead Physical Therapy is located at 476 Amwell Road (right near the high school) in Hillsborough (908) 281-6515.
REALTOR: Are you looking to buy a new home or sell your current home? You really need someone who understands what you want and isn’t going to waste your time. Melissa is not only professional to deal with, but understands that families are the most important thing and so is the home they live in. Call Melissa Martin of Weichert Realtors – cell: 908-656-4070 or email: [email protected]
MADCONNECTIONS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS -who provided a complete set-up of our new computers at !MPACT! Jaquim also helped me out last year when my home computer had some kind of a virus eating away at it — to the point where the screen went black. But because I still had power on this computer, Jaquim was able to salvage all my data and most of all, my MUSIC!! He cleaned it up and put my desktops stuff back in working order (i.e., Microsoft Office) — in addition to adding protection so this type of thing doesn’t happen again. MADCONNECTIONS is a professional, affordable and reliable computer repair company. Call them between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. at 907-768-6534 or email: [email protected]
STEPS TOGETHER: This is a local charity dedicated to inspiring our community to paying their blessings forward and supporting families in Somerset County facing a medical crisis. If you are looking for a great charity to get involved with, check out their website: Courtney and Mike Newman (founders of Steps Together) are wonderful people – dedicating their lives to helping others.
20% OFF if you mention this add!!!! A&B LANDSCAPING of Central NJ: 908-240-8784. They do everything from lawn maintenance (cutting, edging, weeding, seasonal work, etc) and they also do landscape design, patio pavers and MORE! Increase the value of your home by improving the appearance of your lawn, shrubs and landscaping!!! They can make your house look like something out of Better Homes and Gardens!! Call today!
DOCTOR: Looking for a doctor you can rely on? Take good care of your body, and go for regular check-ups and blood work . . . We can’t take good health for granted. Come and meet the wonderful doctors in this group, like Ernest J DeLaCruz, MD (Board Certified in Internal Medicine), Montgomery Internal Medicine Group, 719 Route 206, Suite 100, Hillsborough , NJ (908) 904-0920
ITALIAN CUISINE: Caffe Piazza – DINE-IN, PICK-UP OR CATERING AVAILABLE: Fine Italian dining and catering by owner, Antonio Ruffa (a great friend and former client). Caffe Piazza is located on Route 206 in Hillsborough (in the same strip mall with Stop-N-Shop). Let them cater your next affair! (908) 359-9494
VIDEO PRODUCTION — KBARBELLA: Kristyna Barbella – She has been doing all my video work, including our new Pay-it-Forward video! She is so creative and professional, and you will love your finished product. She also does web-design work. Check out her website:
HILLSBOROUGH PODIATRY . . . Attention Hillsborough Residents – Marc Mizrachy is a fellow fitness enthusiast and also a well-recognized Podiatrist in town. They are open 6 days per week including Saturdays and three evenings. Hillsborough Podiatry Group — 719 Route 206, Suite 107, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 — (908)431-5901 –
WILLS: Do you presently have a will? It may sound like something you can put off, but wouldn’t you like to make sure your family is taken care of – just the way you want? Tiffany Moore, Esq. can help simplify the process so you can rest easy, knowing everything is outlined properly – and she’ll make sure you don’t forget anything or anyone. And we are not just talking about monetary issues – what about guardians for your children or your pets in the unfortunate event something happens to you? Everyone should have a will — Don’t put it off another day . . . Gain piece of mind: Call Tiffany @ (908) 797-3198 or email her @: [email protected]
Organic Farm in Hillsborough: Jon Knox and his wife, Kimberly, have started an organic farm at Duke Farms. Everything they grow is done following the USDA organic guidelines as part of their lease with Duke Farms and the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA-NJ). Please check out their website or the detailed article from the Hillsborough Patch. Both links are attached: and
UPPERCASE LIVING: Betsy Toland If you love all the inspirational quotes and pictures on the walls at !MPACT, contact Betsy. Uppercase Living brings the incredible expressiveness of words into homes, transforming them into more wonderful places to live. Not only does Betsy provide a professional installation, but she also makes great suggestions with regards to colors and size. These make beautiful accents for your home! Wanna have an Uppercase Living Party at your home to get discounts on your own purchases, drop Betsy an email: [email protected]
FRANKLIN MEDICAL GROUP: Dr. Steven DelMaestro (MD, Internal Medicine) of Hillsborough, NJ was approached to head up Franklin Medical Group – a new medical practice affiliated with Somerset Medical Hospital. Before taking on this new venture, Dr. DelMaestro had his own practice for 22 years, operating out of his offices in New Brunswick and North Brunswick (NJ). So . . . when is the last time you had a complete physical? Your health is so important – and so is finding a doctor who cares and actually takes the time to get to know you and your health history. Maybe you are presently getting medical care from a practice that is so huge – with so many different doctors that you feel it lacks that personal touch. Make your health a priority: 908-685-2526 (located @ Franklin Commons, 454 Elizabeth Avenue, Suite 210, Somerset, New Jersey).