5-DAY “DIETOX: The fall is a great time to reset your metabolism, jump-start your weight loss plan, and rid your body of excess fats and toxins! Between the pandemic and summer vacations, we all need to buckle down and make some positive changes. This program involves a clean eating program with the use of natural supplements to help get your body back on track. You do NOT need to be an !MPACT client to take part in this amazing program. I provide complimentary coaching and easy to follow handouts too! We are all motivated by that number dropping on the scale, so give yourself a head start with those first 5 pounds while improving your energy levels and overall health. Call Hillarie if you would like to place your order for our 5-Day DIETOX, as everything you need can be shipped directly to your home, handouts emailed, and coached virtually via phone and Zoom! 908-403-7620.
ARE YOU READY TO START TRAINING? With a VERY limited number of clients training in our facility at a time, we are very excited to get people moving and exercising again. Our daily stress levels and overall health greatly depend on eating well and exercising regularly. It helps to boost your immune system as well as maintain a healthy weight. So don’t put it off any longer! We have been able to offer one-on-one training in our facility since July, but were doing all of our Group Training outside until we were given the green light in September to start training inside our facility at 25% capacity. This is NOT hard at all for us to accommodate due to the size of our facility. If any of our clients feel more comfortable continuing to train virtually, that is not a problem because we will still be Zooming/Live all of our morning Bootcamps and sending a recorded version shortly after the bootcamp concludes (via email & our private Facebook page). CLICK HERE TO VIEW/PRINT A COPY OF OUR UNLIMITED GROUP TRAINING SCHEDULE
٠All clients must arrive between 5-10 minutes prior to the start of each group training session in order to get set up properly, following state-mandated rules for indoor training.
٠Clients must bring: yoga mat or beach towel for floor work & stretching – and must also bring a hand-towel, water bottle and mask to each session. Masks are required when entering the building and can certainly be lowered as needed during training in order to get adequate oxygen. Trainers will wear masks at all times – except when Zooming for Recording.
٠Clients will have their temperature taken upon arrival. Anyone with a temperate of 100.4 or higher will be asked to return when they no longer have a slight fever.
٠If any client is not feeling well, whether it be a bad headache, sore throat, body aches, cough or congestion, stomach ache, rash, etc, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM TRAINING UNTIL YOU ARE WELL.
٠All clients will wash their hands upon arrival, and there will be hand-sanitizer and disinfectant wipes available throughout the facility. We will also use our new hospital-grade disinfectant fogger in between training sessions.
٠Cones will be set up so clients can feel confident we are providing a safe-distance workout every time.
٠Formats for bootcamps/group training may be altered slightly as they have been — to include more dumbbell exercises, bodyweight exercises, and cardio exercises (in place) so that equipment does not need to be shared. We will still give you a kick-butt workout, we promise! And all of our bootcamps will be multi-level to accommodate various ages and fitness levels.
For safety, clients who have traveled on an airplane or have visited a hot-spot state will need to do their workouts via Zoom/Virtual for 10-14 days.
٠For safety, clients who have been exposed to someone testing positive for covid19 will also need to do their workouts via Zoom/Virtual for 10-14 days.
WE ALSO OFFER PERSONAL TRAINING, PARTNER TRAINING & SEMI-PRIVATE TRAINING: If you prefer a more private type of training for yourself or your kids, give us a call to hear more about how we can help you set and reach your fitness or athletic goals. We work with adults and athletes of all ages . . . so whether you are an elite athlete who needs to get back to your sport and you want to be ready . . . Or you have the desire to lose weight, improve energy levels and overall health, get stronger, increase lean muscle mass, etc., we can help you! Of course, we are following all covid-19 safety procedures outlined above to keep our personal training clients safe and healthy too. So please call Michael to find out pricing or trainer availability for private training – and you can also give us a call if you’d like more details about our Unlimited Group Training: 908-403-7605

If you would like to set some health and fitness goals and need another layer of accountability, we have the answer. So many of us are results oriented . . . and sometimes when trying to decrease bodyfat, we don’t see the scale moving as quickly as we like, yet our clothes are feeling a bit lose. Well maybe it’s time we actually did some benchmark testing and added some “science” so you will see there are more ways to track progress than your weight alone. It would be helpful to see important percentages like: bodyfat vs. lean muscle, water weight, skeletal weight, individual muscle circumference, and more! If you are interested in this new service, just give us a call. We will set up an appointment for you to get tested using the “In-Body Scanning” equipment. This is a hospital-grade piece of equipment that is 98% accurate so you can set some health and fitness goals, and we can help you work towards meeting them with the proper nutrition and exercise program. This is a monthly service so you can continue to track progress with re-testing to work towards optimal health and a healthy body-weight. If you are interested in a FREE trial, please give us a call: 908-428-7978. Just leave us a message if we are on the training floor and we will call you back.
Interested in some of our other services that we can do one-on-one or virtually?
Sports Nutrition Session – Learn to Fuel for Optimal Performance
Weight-Loss — 30-Day Nutritional Cleansing Program
Elite Athlete Semi-Private – Customized Training for Your Sport of Choice
IMPACT Training’s Recipe Share . . . .

ick of the same old grilled chicken when trying to eat healthy? Try this amazing marinate to change things up a bit. Super delicious and so healthy too! Couple this chicken recipe with brown rice and some delicious fall vegetables and you’ve got yourself a wonderfully balanced meal that is loaded with protein, fiber and healthy carbs. CLICK HERE TO VIEW/PRINT CHICKEN MARINADE RECIPE

As the months go by, it’s hard to believe we are in the fall of 2020 – soon to be heading into the holidays and the end of this bizarre year. It’s also hard to believe that only towards the end of this past winter, all of our lives as we knew it were completely turned upside down due to the Covid-19 virus. Kids schooling from home, parents working from home, social gatherings came to a halt, and wearing masks in public became the “new norm.” We’ve all had to adapt, and unfortunately, many of us put our own health and fitness on the back burner. During the lockdown, we were only able to work out in our homes (some of you with minimal equipment), and comfort food helped to relieve all the stress and anxiety. Well now it’s time to realize that our immune system and overall health needs attention . . . healthy eating, a regular training regimen, getting enough sleep, and taking vitamins and supplements is also a huge PLUS. Meal prepping on a Sunday is also critical so you have healthy foods READILY available, otherwise we tend to make not-so-healthy choices in a hurry. All you need is a regular routine . . . do it for a week, and you’ve set yourself up for success because now you know YOU CAN DO IT! So why don’t you let us help you set AND reach your health & fitness goals. Give us a call, as we are happy to help (908) 403-7620 – Hillarie or (908) 403-7605 – Michael.
!MPACT Training is pumped up to be STRONGER & BETTER THAN EVER!