August Group Training Calendar: To view our August training calendar (for adults, teens and kids) Please scroll down under the pictures on our home page and click on MONTHLY TRAINING CALENDAR. Please notice that in recognition of the 2012 Olympics in London, we are calling our Total Development (TD) Bootcamps, “OLYMPIC BOOTCAMPS”. We decided to incorporate fun exercises that are sports specific for building muscle, burning fat & improving endurance as if we were training for popular Olympic sports like swimming, gymnastics, rowing, athletics/track, volleyball, fencing, handball and more! Don’t worry, if you’ve done our TD Bootcamps, you can definitely handle our Olympic Bootcamps in August. Similar to TD Bootcamps, these Olympic Bootcamp sessions will follow the order of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). You will perform a high-energy exercise/interval for 60 seconds, followed by a lower interval where more strength is required. These kinds of workouts build lean muscle and burn fat! Check out our Monthly Training Calendar to see all the days and times we offer this amazing training! Print it out to keep it handy! Drop-ins welcome! It’s summertime, so we are eating more – therefore, we need to MOVE more!
Drop 10 with a Friend Program Coming in SEPTEMBER! Two friends take on the challenge . . . they lose a total of 10 pounds (between the two of them) in 14 days . . . and they win FREE training at !MPACT. Diet & Training is included in price! Email us to get details and your name put on our registration list:
FREE Nutrition Event: !MPACT Training is going food shopping . . . Wanna come? When co-owner, Hillarie Scannelli, was operating Fitness by Hillarie out of her home training studio, she often took her clients food shopping in an effort to help them put together an organized meal plan for the week. They would prepare their food shopping list using a handy template Hillarie created in Microsoft PowerPoint, and this would set up her clients for a successful week on their diet – and also taught them more about reading labels. Well, we’ve had a few requests to do this again, so get ready . . . In September many of us will be looking to get back on track with our diets. The kids will be back in school, there will be fewer parties and poolside gatherings, and we can get into a healthier routine. This “Nutritional Event” is FREE for everyone! We will meet at !MPACT to go over some insightful nutritional info and then caravan to our Hillsborough Shop-Rite! Bring your neighbors – bring your friends! Just drop Hillarie an email to let her know you plan to come (this way we are sure to have enough handouts for everyone): This will take place on a Sunday morning in September . . . date will follow so stay tuned for our next newsletter!
BIRTHDAY PARTIES & OTHER PRIVATE PARTIES AT !MPACT TRAINING: Several people recently asked us if we would host birthday parties for kids and teens at !MPACT. Actually, we’ve hosted a handful of them already, and they were a huge success. These parties are a great way to get a fun workout, complete a challenging sports obstacle course, and play some dodge-ball. We can also customize the party to meet your child or teen’s sports specific wishes. These parties last an hour and a half, and are a ton of fun. We have state-of-the art equipment so in order to keep our facility nice and clean, we do not allow food and beverages to be brought in. Instead, during the last 15 minutes of the party, we serve a refreshing scoop of vanilla or chocolate ice cream and bottled water to show hard work deserves a sweet treat. You can book your party up to five weeks in advance, and we host more than just birthday parties. We actually had some inquiries from people interested in having a “girl’s night out” for a bridal party, which would include some training, yoga, massage, and diet & nutrition tips. Name the occasion, and we’ll customize it to make it special. Call us if you have any questions or wish to book your party: 908-428-7978.
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR OWN MIKE K!!: Mike Kelderman, CSCS, joined !MPACT as one of our trainers back in June . . . and he recently entered the Jersey Shore Strongman Beach Bash sponsored by the North American Strongman Association held at Caesar’s Palace in Atlantic City. CONGRATULATIONS MIKE ON TAKING 2ND PLACE . . . proving once again that HARD WORK PAYS OFF! Way to go Mike . . . happy to have you on our !MPACT Team!
STEPS TOGETHER lets you directly help families and non-profits in our community while participating in a local road race as part of a unified team. They endorse a number of worthy local beneficiaries. You decide which you would like to support. STEPS TOGETHER has selected to participate in The Steeplechase Distance Walk/Run on September 30th, 2012. The race, which supports the nearby Steeplechase Cancer Center, is based in Hillsborough and is one of the fastest growing road races in New Jersey. The race offers a variety of events including a 5K Walk, 5K Run, 25K Run and Children’s Sprints. Those wishing to join the STEPS TOGETHER team should first register for The Steeplechase Distance Walk/Run, then mail your donation to support the beneficiary of your choice. As a team member of STEPS TOGETHER, you will receive guided training via email with training tips and suggested workouts, invitations to attend group training sessions, and fundraising advice should you choose to expand your donation network. You will also receive a team shirt to wear on race day which will highlight both team sponsors and participating beneficiaries.
OPERATION !MPACT by Hillarie Scannelli
I’m always thinking about ways to make an IMPACT so I am super excited about OPERATION !MPACT. We have a few new programs that all fall under one umbrella . . . helping our U.S. Military and their families to get healthier and stay fit. Here is what we are up to at !MPACT Training:
Better Nutrition for Our Soldiers: Many of you may know local Hillsborough parent, Rob Movshin, who is presently serving our military as a Major in the U.S. Army. Rob and I are friends, and he has kept in touch via email from Afghanistan with the hope I could try to put together a healthier eating plan for him based on the foods that are available for our troops. These guys put in long hours – through HOT temperatures, and these conversations with Rob made me realize there are NOT enough healthy options for our soldiers. Welcome OPERATION !MPACT . . . In addition to our own contributions, we are accepting donations so we can purchase protein/nutritional drinks (in ready-to-drink cartons) that we can ship directly to Rob’s troop in Afghanistan. We need to get some FUEL out to these men and women serving our country, so please help us in our effort to succeed. There are 69 soldiers in Rob’s troop, and we’re looking to get some supplements to them ASAP. If you would like to contribute, please call us 908-429-7978 or email us at:
FREE Training for Children/Teens of Military Parents: With all the sacrifices a family makes when a parent is serving in the military/overseas, we wanted to find a way to say “thank you”. !MPACT Training would like to offer FREE weekly training to any child/teen that lives in the Hillsborough area and has a parent actively serving overseas. We would LOVE to have the Movshin children for training and any others who live in the area. Contact us for more info:
More on OPERATION !MPACT: We are offering a 50% discount on our Total Development Bootcamps for anyone who enlists in any of our armed forces (Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines, Coast Guard). On that note . . . We would like to wish Tim Coyle well, as he recently enlisted in the U.S. Airforce and came to !MPACT Training as a way to prepare himself for military bootcamp. Tim leaves for REAL bootcamp in August. He is getting stronger every day, and he is amazing shape! We are proud to be part of your journey, Tim! Thank you for fighting for our freedom.
Are you reaching your fitness goals?
Wanna get the results you’ve always wanted? Are you burning fat or muscle during your workouts?: Let’s figure this out by asking you a few questions: Are you are working out religiously and feel that you’ve hit that “plateau” and just can’t lose those last few pounds? Are you FUELING before your workouts and RE-FUELING after your workouts? If you are not, then there is a good possibility you are not targeting stored body-fat during your workouts – and you are losing muscle by the second! I kid around with my clients telling them they are like Hannibal Lecter – eating their own flesh when they do not fuel properly! Haha! In all honesty, that is exactly what you are like when you are in a “catabolic state”. You need to treat food like FUEL if you want to see results.
At !MPACT, we would like to make sure you are not wasting your time by breaking muscle down for fuel during your workouts instead of using stored body-fat. Here is a really helpful tip if you are working out in the morning: Be sure to have some kind of a light snack or drink to “fuel” your workout. If you are working out on an empty stomach in the morning, your body will break down protein (muscle) for fuel. Remember, the fat we have inside our bodies is thick and coagulated (gross, I know), so you need to heat your body temperature up for about 20 minutes so the body-fat becomes liquefied and available for use (energy) during your workout. The only way to do that is to consume some quality calories before-hand. So if you have something as light as a 80 calorie protein drink that has some carbohydrates and a little bit of protein, you will give your body the fuel it needs so that it can begin to tap into stored body-fat for fuel during your workout. If you are working out mid-day or in the evening, just be sure you had a light meal 60-90 minutes before your workout. And you should eat a balanced meal or have a protein drink within 30 minutes of completing your workout – in order to prevent muscle breakdown during the muscle recovery process. Seriously, you are just spinning your wheels if you are not fueling your body properly before and after workouts and re-fueling afterwards. Try this new FUELING technique and let us know if you start to feel AND see the difference!
MONTHLY DRAWING: !MPACT Training has a monthly drawing with those who enter their email address on home page of our website – and they win BIG discounts on training! . . . Congrats to: Bev Stack who won a $25 Gift Certificate to use towards any of our services. Please contact us to take advantage of your prize!
NEW Referral Program- Still in Effect!: We were thinking of ways to THANK our present clients for bringing new clients to !MPACT Training. It doesn’t get any better than the new Referral Plan we rolled out on July 1st! If you bring a friend who signs up for Unlimited Group Training ($150) or a 10-Pack of Personal Training Sessions, you will get your Unlimited Group Training at HALF PRICE! That’s right, you will only pay $75 for your Unlimited Monthly Training! If you bring two friends, yours training for the month is FREE. If you bring three friends, then you have a $75 credit towards the next month! Why are we offering such an unbelievable discount? Not only to thank our loyal clients, but we want YOUR friends to be a part of !MPACT Training. . . People like YOU . . . People who will continue to make our Total Development Bootcamps a ton of fun! And we can all get into the best shape of our lives together! This referral program applies to the teen and kids’ programs too – it applies to any referrals who sign up for Unlimited Training or Personal Training Packages.
Girl Scouts & Boy Scouts are welcome at !MPACT Training: So far we’ve had a few scout troops come to our facility as a way of doing a group activity or even as a way to earn merit badges. We will cater their hour-long session to meet their troop objectives. Some of the groups who have come so far, did a nice combination of nutrition along with a fun exercise circuit to help get their bodies stronger. The nutritional portion is fun and interactive, and during the exercise circuit, we use our cutting-edge equipment so they will have the time of their lives. We offer this training at a HUGE discount to Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts (minimal fee per child/teen), so please inquire if you are interested in having us work with your kids. This is a great way for us to give back to our community and make a difference in our kids’ lives.
SPARTAN RACE: Are you looking to train like a Spartan or WARRIOR? This is some serious training, but I have to say, I’m tempted! Wouldn’t it be cool to train for something – set a goal, and then reach it? Martin Nielson is the leader/coordinator of this team, and if you have any questions about these races, please contact him at: His group is running under Team Limitless for this race. Here’s a video of the race Martin’s team recently completed – to give you an idea of the type of obstacles involved – cut and paste this into your browser if this link doesn’t work: Reach out to Martin if you are interested in setting your sights on an upcoming race! Then get up and start training….We can help at !MPACT. We will get your body stronger and faster and ready for this race!
What’s your favorite part about our newsletter? Is it the occasional healthy recipe, the specials we offer on training at !MPACT, or the “Dear Hillarie” letters we share that answer diet and training questions from some of our readers? Let us know . . . we’d love to provide more of what you enjoy! E-mail us at:
!MPACT Menu: Trying to find a local restaurant where you can get a healthier bite to eat? Hillarie Scannelli, owner/!MPACT, asked client, Antonio Ruffa (owner/Caffe Piazza) to come up some new items on his menu that would present healthier choices for busy people who are on-the-go. On his special menu, Tony at Caffe Piazza uses protein-enriched pasta & lean meatballs and offers a “baked chicken parm” instead of the traditional fried version. The portions are calorie controlled and just right. These menu items are perfectly balanced with proteins and carbs, and if you want something a little lower in carbs, their Cajun shrimp or chicken over mixed greens is perfect! Stop in to visit Caffe Piazza today – 649 Route 206 in Hillsborough (in the same strip mall with Stop-N-Shop). When you call your orders in, be sure to mention you want the !MPACT Menu so you get the lower calorie options: (908) 359-9494
Local Business Plugs:
You might be looking for a particular service – so let me refer one! These are all business I (personally) use and would highly recommend! I’ll continue to add a few more – so be sure to take a look:
MILLER’S SERVICE STATION: Hard to find a good and honest mechanic? We’ve got one for you . . . Mike Miller at Miller’s Service Station. Love supporting local businesses — Mike is a Hillsborough resident and just moved his business from Branchburg to Hillsborough. He is located at 600 U.S. Highway 206 South (the garage at the Shell station at the corner of Amwell & Rt. 206). Mike has helped us out A LOT with some recent car and truck troubles . . . give him your troubles (908) 429-9100.
THE CIRCUS PLACE: Youth Circus . . . something new and different to do with your kids! Check out their website or visit them: 3 Jill Court (Bldg. 15 – Unit 7), Hillsborough, NJ 08844 e-mail: 908-829-3784
New Generation IT – Thomas Liu, IT Consultant I had computer virus and almost lost everything on my laptop that was only a few months old! Tom was able to clean out my computer and all my data was saved! Keep his number handy (848)565-5269 or email:
NORZ HILL FARM: Support your local farmers! Now is the time to stop and pick up your fresh fruits and veggies . . . Jersey corn, Jersey tomatoes, and more! Check out their website to learn more and to find out their hours of operation and where you can find their vegetable & fruit stands:
VIDEO PRODUCTION: Kristyna Barbella – she’s unbelievable! Kristyna has been doing all my video work (even the latest ones for my BOOTCAMP & my Fit & Fun Camp!). She is so creative and professional, and you will love your finished product. She also does web-design work. Check out her website:
CATERING SERVICES & PRIVATE HOME COOKING DEMONSTRATIONS – JDA Catering: J. Daniel Alfaro – Executive Chef: Do you need a caterer for a special event? Or maybe would you enjoy an elegant home cooking demonstration with friends? Maybe you you’d like to plan a romantic anniversary dinner for two cooked at your own home by a professional chef? If you need anything like this, look no further . . . Chef Danny is a sophisticated, executive chef who will turn an ordinary event into something spectacular. Danny catered our Grand Opening Party and even the breakfast table looked chic with beautiful yogurt parfaits in champagne flutes. You can see some of the pictures of his food displays by going to our home page – click on MEDIA then click on PHOTOS. You can e-mail Danny @: or call him: (708) 426-8526
UPPERCASE LIVING: Betsy Toland If you love all the inspirational quotes and pictures on the walls at !MPACT, contact Betsy. Uppercase Living brings the incredible expressiveness of words into homes, transforming them into more wonderful places to live. Not only does Betsy provide a professional installation, but she also makes great suggestions with regards to colors and size. These make beautiful accents for your home! Wanna have an Uppercase Living Party at your home to get discounts on your own purchases, drop Betsy an email
IN-HOUSE MASSAGE: You can have a wonderfully, relaxing massage right in the privacy of your own home. References available upon request – and I can say “I” am one of her satisfied clients! For info or an appointment, call Meg Shelton, Certified Massage Therapist at 908-369-9352.
ARBONNE International: Have you heard of a great line of skincare products from Arbonne International – and you weren’t sure how to get your hands those products? Reach out to Independent Consultant, Margaret Janaszik, and she will be happy to show you these incredible products. I love the RE9 skin care products (for more mature skin – like mine!). You will find a notable difference in 24 hours after trying these products. Host a party, and you will get some free items – or you can become an Arbonne representative and receive discounted prices every time you shop — totally worth it! Contact Margaret at – cell: 732-735-6254 (If shopping on-line, Margaret’s ID# is: 18826855). All products patent pending and chemical free – formulated in Switzerland and manufactured in the US. Awesome skin care line!
WILLS: Do you presently have a will? It may sound like something you can put off, but wouldn’t you like to make sure your family is taken care of – just the way you want? Tiffany Moore, Esq. can help simplify the process so you can rest easy, knowing everything is outlined properly – and she’ll make sure you don’t forget anything or anyone. And we are not just talking about monetary issues – what about guardians for your children or your pets in the unfortunate event something happens to you? Everyone should have a will — Don’t put it off another day . . . Gain piece of mind: Call Tiffany @ (908) 797-3198 or email her @:
Childcare services – Hillsborough, NJ: Jenie Van Cleef is a young energetic Mom of three children, and can provide your toddlers and children with a fun and safe environment @ her Hillsborough home. Please call Jenie if you would like to obtain references or speak more about her availability. You can email her at: or call her at: (908) 829-0363
SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY: This is a great place to go for any type of physical rehab – and boy, are did a great job on my lower-back pain! They handle everything from ligament sprains to arthritic pain. I have always had a strong core and lower back, but I guess my age (47), my strenuous training routine/6 days per week, and the long hours I spend on my feet every day as a trainer can often take a toll on my lower back. Every now and again, it just tightens up and I am in a lot of pain. I heavily rely on the physical therapists at Sports Physical Therapy to get me mobile and pain free again! They have multiple locations, and one of the partners, Jeff Erickson, is a neighbor of mine – great guy! Can’t say enough about what an awesome facility this is! Hillsborough location: 908-359-8800, Princeton (609) 419-0455, Somerset (732) 565-5455, Flemington (908) 806-2000.
INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RENOVATION & BUILDER CO.: Pro Builders Plus, Hillsborough — Walt handles everything from roofing and siding, to interior renovations, and additions, etc. – quality work at competitive prices: Walt has done work for everyone in my neighborhood! References available: Call Walt at 908-369-7562 (references are available!).
REALTOR: Are you looking to buy a new home or sell your current home? You really need someone who understands what you want and isn’t going to waste your time. Melissa is not only professional to deal with, but understands that families are the most important thing and so is the home they live in. Call Melissa Martin of Weichert Realtors — cell: 908-656-4070 or email:
FRANKLIN MEDICAL GROUP: Dr. Steven DelMaestro (MD, Internal Medicine) of Hillsborough, NJ was approached to head up Franklin Medical Group – a new medical practice affiliated with Somerset Medical Hospital. Before taking on this new venture, Dr. DelMaestro had his own practice for 22 years, operating out of his offices in New Brunswick and North Brunswick (NJ). So . . . when is the last time you had a complete physical? Your health is so important – and so is finding a doctor who cares and actually takes the time to get to know you and your health history. Maybe you are presently getting medical care from a practice that is so huge – with so many different doctors that you feel it lacks that personal touch. Make your health a priority: 908-685-2526 (located @ Franklin Commons, 454 Elizabeth Avenue, Suite 210, Somerset, New Jersey).
DRAGONFLY.COM: Do you have a new business or a growing business that needs a “face-lift”? Log on to get more info: Dragonfly Design Studio will create your business identity, logo design, business cards, invitations and stationary, brochures & mailers, letterheads, and photo retouching & manipulation.
PRINCETON ORTHOPEDICS: Luke Ryan – Physician’s Assistant will get you the help you need. I have several personal training clients who have had multiple shoulder issues and tennis elbow – and they received the most unbelievable treatment from Luke at Princeton Ortho! Please call and ask for Luke 609-924-5044
HILLSBOROUGH VACUUM: OK – Let’s get ready for summer – let’s do some SPRING CLEANING. Call Hillsborough Vacuum to help! Besides selling vacuum cleaners and central systems, and servicing & repairing vacuums, did you know that they have an array of services including carpet cleaning, tile & grout cleaning, hardwood restoring, and more?! They are a local and trusted company for over 10 years! Please check out their informative website.
LIA SOPHIA JEWELRY: Contact Becky Regan @ If you are interest in purchasing anything please send Becky an email! ALSO, if anyone is interested in hosting a party, Becky will be donating $50 per party to Shelter Survivors Animal Rescue of Bridgewater.
TRANQUILITY ACCUPUNCTURE: Denise Janiec-Domino is a Certified Acupuncturist and can be reached at (908) 874-8344 (located in Hillsborough and Lebanon, NJ). Denise provides great relief to those with back pain and migraines – and can help in so many other areas (weight loss, fertility issues, etc.). Treat yourself to great things in 2011 – and consider making acupuncture one of them!
PLUMBER: J. Johnson Plumbing & Heating, LLC. Licensed and Insured (great guy – very reasonable – and reliable). Call “J” at 908-874-6619
Check out this great website: This website lists all upcoming events and happenings for kids in our communities throughout New Jersey. Log on to see the fun local happenings.
PODIATRIST: Dr. Brandon Zuklie, LLC – Podiatrist: Treats any and all issues of the foot and ankle, from warts to stress fractures and all other athletic injuries. Treats children as well as adults, and accepts most insurance plans. Address: 1161 202N Branchburg (in the same strip mall near Phil’s Pizza and Texas Liquor — by Imclone and Chubb). Other offices in Piscataway and Monroe, NJ – for more info:
In Motion Meals: Fitness by Hillarie supports and promotes “In Motion Meals”!! Whether you are an elite athlete who needs quality calories or someone who is simply trying to reach your fitness and weight-loss goals, then In Motion Meals is for you. Some of you have such a hectic schedule with your career or with your family (carpooling to a variety of sporting and social events for your kids), and you might be struggling each week to make healthy meals that can help you reach your fitness goals. I try to do a fair amount of cooking on a Sundays so I have leftovers to use for dinners during the week or for lunches during the week. But even that can be hard if you have a busy calendar on the weekends. In Motion Meals is a New Jersey based company that makes delicious (calorie conscious) meals that are balanced with proteins and carbs and made fresh (with no preservatives)– and then they use a special flash freezing process so these meals can be delivered to your door All the calories have been counted for you and are listed on the menu. All the proteins and carbs have been balanced for you – and the meals are home-cooked meals that are convenient and will help you stay on track with your diet plan. If you want to learn more about this great service, just log onto their website: If you decide to order some meals, please let them know that Fitness by Hillarie sent you. On the order page, just enter fitnessbyhill and you will receive a special discount. You must hit the validate button under the referral code box for the pricing to change.