By: Hillarie Scannelli, Certified in Personal Training & Nutrition
OUR TRAINERS’ CALENDARS ARE BOOKING UP QUICKLY – DON’T MISS OUT? With everything going on in our world today, we are so happy to see that many of you are starting to focus on building your immune system and getting stronger and healthier. Working under the guidance and direction of a personal trainer is a great way to set some health and fitness goals (or athletic goals for kids, teens and college athletes). And the best part about working with a trainer is that we take the guess work out of your training, and set you up for success. Here are two short video clips to show what we are doing with some of the kids and teens we are working with, BUT PLEASE NOTE, we work with every age and every fitness level. Here is our client, Jake Ibraham, working with our trainer Glenn Benson (a.k.a. Coach G): https://youtu.be/ZZ547jIX_So
And here is our client, Payton Altman, who is a field hockey player at Dartmouth College – also working with Coach G: https://youtu.be/opxzHO-JFcw
SO WHAT DO WE OFFER AT !MPACT? . . . Top-Notch training and nutrition! We are a Personal Training, Small Group Training and Bootcamp facility – not an open gym – and we also offer nutritional guidance for weight-loss or muscle/weight-gain and Sports Nutrition. Presently, due to Covid19 restrictions, we are operating at 20% capacity so there are a VERY limited number of clients training in our 4,800 sq. ft. facility at a time. So whether you are an elite athlete who needs to get back to your sport and you want to be ready . . . Or you have the desire to lose weight, improve energy levels and overall health, get stronger, increase lean muscle mass, etc., we can help you! Of course, we are following all covid-19 safety procedures outlined in this newsletter to keep our personal training clients safe and healthy too. If any of our clients feel more comfortable continuing to train virtually, that is not a problem because we will still be Zooming/Live all of our morning Bootcamps and sending a recorded version shortly after the bootcamp concludes (via email & our private Facebook page for current clients). And Personal Training is also offered via Zoom. Call today for availability and pricing: Sean 908-240-5560
CLICK HERE TO VIEW A COPY OF OUR UNLIMITED BOOTCAMP SCHEDULE – and please call us for one-on-one, partner, semi-private training, and small group training as those are booked by appointment only.
PLEASE NOTE: We are open a half day on Christmas Eve, starting with our 6:00 a.m. Bootcamp. Therefore, all personal training clients need to confirm their appointments directly with their trainer. We are CLOSED on Christmas Day, and there will NOT be a 7:30 a.m. bootcamp on Saturday, December 26th.
٠All clients must arrive between 5-10 minutes prior to the start of each group training session in order to get set up properly, following state-mandated rules for indoor training.
٠Clients must bring: yoga mat or beach towel for floor work & stretching – and must also bring a hand-towel, water bottle and mask to each session. Masks are required when entering the building and can certainly be lowered as needed during training in order to get adequate oxygen. Trainers will wear masks at all times – except when Zooming for Recording.
٠Clients will have their temperature taken upon arrival. Anyone with a temperate of 100.4 or higher will be asked to return when they no longer have a slight fever.
٠If any client is not feeling well, whether it be a bad headache, sore throat, body aches, cough or congestion, stomach ache, rash, etc, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM TRAINING UNTIL YOU ARE WELL.
٠All clients will wash their hands upon arrival, and there will be hand-sanitizer and disinfectant wipes available throughout the facility. We will also use our new hospital-grade disinfectant fogger in between training sessions.
٠Cones will be set up so clients can feel confident we are providing a safe-distance workout every time.
٠Formats for bootcamps/group training may be altered slightly as they have been — to include more dumbbell exercises, bodyweight exercises, and cardio exercises (in place) so that equipment does not need to be shared. We will still give you a kick-butt workout, we promise! And all of our bootcamps will be multi-level to accommodate various ages and fitness levels.
٠For safety, clients who have traveled on an airplane or have visited a hot-spot state will need to do their workouts via Zoom/Virtual for 10 days.
٠For safety, clients who have been exposed to someone testing positive for covid19 will also need to do their workouts via Zoom/Virtual for 10-14 days.

Losing weight isn’t always about the SCALE and losing pounds . . . What about inches? What about working towards a healthier body “composition”, meaning more lean muscle tissue and less body fat, which means a stronger, more energetic, and healthier body that looks toned and fit. And what about hydration? Are you dehydrated and you don’t even know it? If you are tired all the time, it may be from not drinking enough H20! Wouldn’t it be so rewarding to be able to test your body on a monthly basis to track the progress on all of this (bodyfat vs. lean muscle, water weight, skeletal weight, individual muscle circumference, and more!)? Well !MPACT Training now has a way to measure this . . . Give us a call and we will set up an appointment for you to get tested using the “In-Body Scanning” equipment. This is a hospital-grade piece of equipment that is 98% accurate so you can set some health and fitness goals, and we can help you work towards meeting them with the proper nutrition and exercise program. Get tested monthly so you can continue to track progress and to work towards optimal health and a healthy body-weight . . . And who couldn’t use another layer of accountability? If you are interested in a FREE trial, please give Sean a call: 908-240-5560.
GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE: Not done with your holiday shopping? If you have someone in your life who you know has some personal fitness goals, our training and nutrition services make the perfect gift. Call us to learn more about our services or to purchase a gift certificate (908) 403-7605 – Mike

Vegan, gluten-free, grain-free, nut-free, oil-free, soy-free
Get ready to feel warm, energized, and ready to tackle the day! This is my new go-to hot beverage of choice when I want to hit the reset button, amp up my metabolism, and boost circulation. I love to drink this throughout the day, but it’s especially effective when consumed on an empty stomach after waking. I use a ginger tea bag for a quick option, but I provide a fresh ginger option below too. Also, if you ever have some kicking around, fresh mint is an invigorating, tummy-soothing addition.
2 cups (500 mL) Soak time
7-8 minutes Prep time
5 Minutes Cook time
0 Minutes
1 ginger tea bag or 1/2 teaspoon fresh grated ginger*
2 cups (500 mL) boiling water
Few dashes cinnamon, to taste**
Few dashes ground turmeric, to taste
Few dashes cayenne pepper, to taste (use less if you don’t like heat)
1 teaspoon (5 mL) apple cider vinegar
1 small lemon slice
Pure maple syrup, to taste (I use 1 teaspoon/5 mL)
Grab an extra-large mug or a small teapot (3-cup capacity). Place ginger tea bag inside.
Boil 2 cups of water and pour all the water into the mug/teapot. Cover and steep the ginger tea for 7 to 8 minutes.
Remove tea bag. Set aside the tea bag to cool. Once the tea bag has cooled a bit you can gently squeeze it into the pot to infuse the tea with even more ginger flavor.
Add the cinnamon, turmeric, and cayenne. Whisk until combined.
Add the vinegar and drop in the lemon wedge. Whisk to infuse the lemon.
Add maple syrup to taste, and whisk to combine.
Serve immediately and enjoy!
Nutrition Information & Tips
* For the fresh ginger version: Pop the fresh grated ginger into a tea ball or mesh tea steeper, and steep tea for about 6 to 7 minutes. Proceed as usual.
** The spices tend to settle at the bottom of the mug/pot. Simply whisk it now and then to redistribute.
Steps-Together Giving Tree & Wish Lists: !MPACT Training is committed to serving our community, and we hope you will stop by !MPACT to grab a gift tag from our GIVING TREE. These are tags for gift cards that will go directly to our beneficiaries. So we will collect all the gift cards by mid-December to distribute to the families. Steps together also has WISH LISTS for each of the families on their website. So many people have asked about how they can contribute to Steps Together, and this is a great way to help out these families so they can give their children a wonderful Christmas. To check out their WISH LISTS, just click here: https://www.steps-together.org/giving

As we inch our way into December, I can’t believe 2020 is almost over . . . Can’t say that I’m sorry. Many people lost their jobs or worse, a loved one . . . Virtual learning for our kids is no joke, and has many parents frazzled as to how they can hold down a job while supervising their young ones at home. Teens are missing out on social events and just the social aspect of having lunch in the cafeteria with friends. And many teens are even experiencing some depression. Just think about the family gatherings and holidays that haven’t taken place over the last 9 months! And many businesses (like ours) lost a substantial income during the shut-down. But we can either wallow in the stress — and keep harping on how hard things have been, or we can forge ahead with nothing but a positive attitude and a good game plan to make things better. So even though there was much stress, sadness, and sickness throughout the last year, we always have to look beyond that to take note of the blessings and goodness that surrounds us … and there are many! We feel so blessed that our !MPACT family is growing since we partnered with Sean Fagan Fitness. Our facility is filled with inspirational and motivational trainers who are hungry to help our clients to get back on track . . . And welcome new clients as well as those who have graciously supported us during these trying times. It’s all good!
Well here’s hoping we have an amazing 2021, with a treatment and vaccine for Covid-19 . . . and things getting back to some new kind of normal where we can hug our family members without the worry of getting someone sick or getting sick ourselves! We want to thank all of our clients and community members who have stood behind us, and we look forward to serving you to the best of our abilities . . . helping you to get healthier — whether it is to lose weight or improve energy levels. Maybe you want to build lean muscle or maybe you have a teen who is really missing their sports or wants to prepare for next season to get ahead of their competition. Whatever your training and nutritional needs are, we want to help! So please give us a call. I’m always ready to help you set AND reach your fitness goals. Call me to set up a complimentary consultation to discuss your goals (908) 403-7620 (Hillarie). And have a safe and healthy holiday season.
Hillarie & Michael Scannelli, Sean Fagan
& our !MPACT Team
(Glenn, Christian – and of course, Nico & Rosco included J)